There is a new documentary called “Active Measures” coming out about Trump and Russia on August 31; I took notice of it since it is being distributed by the same company that distributed Anthony Bourdain’s documentary, “Wasted: The Story of Food Waste” (Super LTD films). It will be interesting to see if it is any good, since this is apparently the first documentary made by the studio ‘Shooting Films‘ (SF). Certainly I am very interested in active measures myself.
Michael Moore’s ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ Served a Russian Propaganda Narrative
Today, I’m continuing my ‘fact shaming‘ series (see part 1 here), and I’m going to talk about Michael Moore. Moore’s newest documentary: Fahrenheit 11/9 is coming out on September 21 and I think this is a great time to point out why Moore’s prior films (especially Fahrenheit 9/11) serve ‘communistic’ and/or Russian propaganda interests. One can expect this latest entry from the Russian propaganda ‘fat boy’ will be no different.

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The Fat Boys of Russian Propaganda

Having a little fun with the observation that overeating is an apparent common side effect of being a Russian propagandist (just ask Orson Welles and Harvey Weinstein).
Conveniently, I also like this Fat Boys track: LIE-Z and the lyrics are suitable to dissing Russian agitprop. Continue reading “The Fat Boys of Russian Propaganda”
From ‘Under Siege’ to Overweight: Fact Shaming Russian Dupe Steven Seagal
In case you missed the big news, Steven Seagal ‘defected’ from the US to Russia several years ago and was granted citizenship by Presidential decree of Vladimir Putin. In August 2018, Seagal has just been named by Putin as Russia’s “special representative” on “humanitarian” efforts in the “culture, public, and youth exchanges” with the USA. Today, I am going to make fun of him for being a fat dupe of Russia.

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Dario Argento’s ‘The Church’ and The Teutonic Knights of Russian Propaganda
In an effort to expand my understanding of the film-making of Dario Argento, last evening I watched an Argento-produced-and-written film called The Church (or La Chiesa). It was directed by Michele Soavi, who has been a long-time assistant to Argento, and who is noted for taking inspiration from Sergei Eisenstein and Orson Welles – in addition to his mentor Argento.

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Russian Active Measures and the Weaponized Suicide of Anthony Bourdain?
On the so-far final episode of his CNN show Parts Unknown, the late Anthony Bourdain traveled to Bhutan with Darren Aronofsky. Introducing their trip, Bourdain said: “I’m here because of this guy, my friend, the film director Darren Aronofsky; fresh off the unjustifiably horrified reaction to what I think is his masterpiece: mother!”
As Aronofsky later recounted, there in Bhutan he and Bourdain had performed a “Bhutanese death ritual” in what Aronofsky described as an “ironic” reflection about his time spent with the late TV personality. In the end however, this story maybe should not seem so ironic at all, based on its ample connections to Communism and Russian occultism.
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Secret Project Revolution: The Postfeminist Kabbalah Jihad
Roseanne Barr and Madonna Louise Ciccone (a.k.a. the pop star “Madonna”) have been two outspoken feminist and ‘postfeminist’ figures from the 1980s-present. At first blush, there does not appear to be a great symmetry between the pair – however there is actually a very strong parallel in their social networks and plausibly ‘communistic’ social activism as women artists.
While it is no surprise that feminists will often adopt leftist or Marxist critiques of power which emphasize the disruption of patriarchal gender norms – it is interesting to note that both Roseanne and Madonna have currently adopted post-Soviet narratives regarding politics and the occult which are connected to modern Russian Information Warfare, underpinned by (apparently) past and present ‘communistic’ influences. This may give the social ‘performances’ of Americans Roseanne and Madonna strategic value to Russia parallel to the work of anti-establishment postmodern Russian groups like Voina (War) and Pussy Riot.

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It is pretty obvious that Charlton Heston was a Kremlin “Culture Warrior”
The late Charlton Heston has frequently been associated with “culture war”. Heston died in April 2008, but in the final years of his life, he was known principally as a staunch right wing gun rights activist, and former long term president of the National Rifle Association (NRA).
In 2013, appearing on Alex Jones’ Infowars in a segment devoted to ‘rebut[ting] the desecration of Charlton Heston’s memory‘, frequent guest Ted Nugent said:
“Charlton Heston knew the culture war was coming before any of us did, Alex”. (@6:40)
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Rebutting Russia Insider’s Take on Anti-Semitism: You Left out Russian Anti-Semitism
I read Lucien Wolf’s enlightening 1921 book: THE MYTH OF THE JEWISH MENACE IN WORLD AFFAIRS or THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FORGED PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION as part of my research into the correlation of eschatology with conspiracy theory and anti-Semitism. This is by far the most authoritative debunking of The Protocols which I have read. You should read it too (it’s free at Google Books and may take you only 30 minutes).
In the controversy which is surrounding the widely condemned recent Russia Insider article (cached version) : “It’s Time to Drop the Jew Taboo”, I feel that calling attention to the very nature of modern anti-Semitism as having been in large part engineered by Russia is important. In this same vein, it is also important to highlight how the article is just another rehashing of the idea that being conscious of anti-Semitism as a real thing is some kind of racism.

Orson Welles and Erika Cheetham as Kremlin Agents
In writing a revision of a paper, I am forced to cut a big section. However, I think it is good enough to post here. This is an expansion of sorts of the biography of Orson Welles and Erika Cheetham I did in the paper “Russian Active Measures and September 11 2001: Nostradamus Themed Disinformation”. There is quite a bit I could add to this, such as my recent blog on “F for Fake”, or that the huge 1982 anti-nuclear peace rally which Welles was a prominent guest at was clearly inspired by the pioneering 1930’s era peace rallies organized by his political mentor Louis Dolivet. Dolivet had been an inspiration of other prominent figures from the rally, such as Lord Philip Noel-Baker. 1983 FBI reports suggested the rally had been influenced by Soviet active measures at the “highest levels“.
To me, given the Soviet infiltration of the peace movement, and his proximity to multiple “cells” of Russian spies (including peace movement figures), this is all pretty compelling evidence of Orson Welles being a Russian influence asset over time (less so for Cheetham to be honest). But maybe you have a different idea?

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