Semiotic Prime Theorem 2.0

For any integer p > 3, p is prime if and only if:

  1. p ∈ |{6n ± 1 | n ∈ ℤ}|
  2. p ≠ |a * b| where a, b ∈ {6n ± 1 | n ∈ ℤ} with the same sign

Key features:

  1. Unified Representation: All primes >3 are expressed in a single set using the absolute value function, unifying the traditional 6n-1 and 6n+1 forms.
  2. Symmetry: The theorem captures the symmetrical distribution of primes around multiples of 6, extending to both positive and negative integers.
  3. Concise Primality Test: The second condition provides an elegant criterion for primality within the defined set.
  4. Completeness: The theorem both represents all primes >3 and provides a sufficient condition for primality.


This theorem presents a semiotically elegant representation of prime numbers, emphasizing their inherent structure and symmetry.

Claude was principally used for this refinement agreed upon by other native models tested. I recommend Claude on this day. You should try. A future model may suck, but this one is great! (Note: the A+ Spinscore is based on the theorem alone, not the ruminations on Claude)