Alexander Blok’s “Sun Over Russia” (1908) and the Kremlin Vampire

Dracula’s long significance in Russian literature which became the basis of a narrative parallel with the tsar and autocrat is not limited to Fyodor Kuritsyn’s Tale of Dracula the Voivode or Dmitry Merezhkovsky’s Antichrist (Peter and Aleksey) [1,2].

Inspired by Bram Stoker’s Dracula, in his 1908 article Sun Over Russia, the writer and poet Alexander Blok (1880-1921) also utilized the imagery of the vampiric ghoul to describe the bloodthirsty behavior of the tsarist empire and its church leaders.

Blok’s essay was written in celebration of the 80th birthday of Leo Tolstoy. (The ghoul was a concept introduced into Russian literature by Alexander Pushkin; and later developed by Alexey Tolstoy (a distant relative of Leo Tolstoy).) [3]

I’ve found the essay and translated it since it doesn’t seem to be common in English.

Alexander Blok

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Images of Torture and Execution in Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan IV

President Putin recently created a controversy when he “defended” the Oprichnik chief Malyuta Skuratov from the traditionally accepted view that he had strangled Metropolitan Philip for refusing to bless Ivan Grozny’s military campaign on Novgorod. This action has been seen as related to the “information warfare” arguments about Ivan IV which have been crafted by the ideologists of the Izborsky Club; and it may relate to recent national security strategies which seem intended to protect Russia’s “historical memory”.

The ideologists responsible for these narratives have in recent years frequently sought to portray the common negative appraisals of Ivan IV and his guardsmen’s terrors as the product of Western “information wars” which were furthered by Western superiority in printing. The Gutenberg Bible for example was printed in Germany nearly 100 years before Ivan IV ordered the development of the first Russian print yard.

Translated Ivan the Terrible exhibit from ‘Russia, My History’, Moscow

In the above image from the “Russia, My History” exhibitions we can see two German images which are related to this information warfare idea. Continue reading “Images of Torture and Execution in Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan IV”

Vladimir is the Ruler of the World

Question More about the deceiver of the whole world

In September 2017, Vladimir Putin said of Artificial Intelligence that “the one who becomes the leader in this sphere will be the ruler of the world.

Fascinatingly, the name Vladimir itself may translate in Slavic languages as “to rule the peace” or “to rule the world”.

The term “the ruler of the world” (or “ruler of this world”) is an interesting choice of words, because it is a biblical term associated with the work of Satan and the Antichrist to most Christians.

Now, if we look at the name of Satan:

“The name Satan is derived from the Hebrew שָׂטָן Satan which means “adversary, opponent…accuser, opposing party…[or] the one who hinders a purpose”[1] The Greek Σατανᾶς Satanas carries the same meaning and is used “in a very special sense of the enemy of God and all of those who belong to God.”[2] Other names for Satan include the shining one, or Lucifer (Isa 14:12), the evil one (1 John 5:19), the tempter (1 Thess 3:5), the devil (Matt 4:1), the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4), the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12:10), the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2), the serpent (Rev 12:9), and the great red dragon (Rev 12:3). Further, Satan is a murderer and liar (John 8:44), is compared to a lion that prowls about, looking for someone to devour (1 Pet 5:8), and one who disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14).”

I’m quite sure that James Randi would approve of Putin’s “honest liar” statement about his goals for AI and world domination.

I think Vladimir would be a great name for the Antichrist, LOL. Protip: Keep it in mind Satan, when choosing a baby names. (I also recommend Donald in case of twins, there are many antichrists afterall.)

The Priory of Sion Hoax as a Surrealist Conspiracy and Provocation

I had noted that there is a database of debunked claims about COVID-19 at Carnegie Mellon University, which includes reference to the idea of the virus as some kind of Russian bioweapon. As I was unaware of any example of disinformation on this matter (with the exception of hoping the reference didn’t somehow come from this site), I did find a reference to such a claim at a site generally associated with Russian disinformation targeted at the US Military: Veteran’s Today.

The story is posed in a geopolitical and Christian-apocalyptic context. It closes with a comment on the supposed relation of Jesus Christ to the Merovingian dynasty of France. The idea of a Merovingian dynasty is primarily associated with ideas of Pierre Plantard, and the so-called Priory of Sion, which influenced author Dan Brown’s novels most notably, ‘The Da Vinci Code’. 

Most charitably, the matter of the Priory of Sion has the appearance of being a French attempt at creating a Holy Grail mythology for France similar to that for example of King Arthur in Britain; on the other hand, this hoax also seems to have many hallmarks of fascistic propaganda linked to historical Russian influence. 

The interesting thing about the cultural background of the milieu of prophecy related to COVID-19 in the Veteran’s Today article is not only its ‘Duginesque’ apocalypticism, but the idea that Plantard’s purposeful efforts to create the Priory of Sion hoax were largely based on his work with espionage-linked occultists and Surrealists. His efforts seem intended to prove that he himself was heir to the Merovingian bloodline – predicted by none other than Nostradamus – and therefore himself a descendant of Jesus by the logic of the false prophecy.

Not to praise myself, but there are many examples of Nostradamus conspiracy now being discussed in the context of disinformation and information warfare around COVID-19 (1, 2, 3). I see this as a replication of my prior efforts to some extent. (Once again, the Nostradamus piece of this conspiracy is only a facet of the total disinformation.) 

I’ve been sitting on most of the below analysis for a while, but I think it is complete enough to post in light of the use of such ideas in COVID-19 disinformation.

The Priory of Sion and the Quest for the Holy Grail, or Lincoln's ...
Pierre Plantard: con man

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Roman Polanski in ‘Confession[s] of a Blue Movie Star’

In working to build a case that Roman Polanski was involved in an anti-American  influence scheme involving communism, surrealism/satanism, and murder – evoking Orson Welles’ potential involvement in the murder of Elizabeth Short (a.k.a. ‘The Black Dahlia’); I purchased  my first VHS tape in maybe 20 years: ‘Confession[s] of a Blue Movie Star‘ (also known as ‘The Evolution of Snuff‘ (1978)).

Given prior statements of Roman Polanski on the Dick Cavett show that he was a suspect of a criminal profiler in the murder of his wife – and good evidence he was a cruel husband – some of the quotes I’d seen referenced to Confessions of a Blue Movie Star seemed compelling and concerning in the potential context of both ‘murder as a fine art’ as well as information warfare. Having watched the film, it makes me think that snuff itself is likely a propaganda scheme designed to create a mass hysteria, yet around the usual kernel of truth (in these cases, murders or deaths linked to potential communists). In this sense, snuff as a genre and meme seems quite similar to – and derivative of – the satanism hysteria which followed the murder of Polanski’s wife and friends by the Charles Manson group.

“Yeah I do think a camera can be as dangerous in the hands of a ‘filmmaker’, in quotes, as a bazooka.” – Roman Polanski

Cover of the version of the movie I received. It apparently has several variations. In movie, the title seems to actually be ‘Confessions of a Blue Movie Star’, but you’ll most popularly find it cited as ‘Evolution of Snuff’. (

Continue reading “Roman Polanski in ‘Confession[s] of a Blue Movie Star’”

Building a Network to Connect the Black Dahlia and Tate-LaBianca Cases

While I run with the possibly flawed assumption that 1. Orson Welles was a credible suspect in the Black Dahlia case, and that 2.  there is a connection between Surrealism and the Black Dahlia case, and that 3. there may be some parallels in Orson Welles’ behavior relative to the time of the Black Dahlia murder and Roman Polanski’s behavior relative to the time of the murder of his wife Sharon Tate (all of which are more thought experiments than anything), I built out a little network mimicking the network from the ‘Exquisite Corpse’ book.

Network demonstrating overlap with surrealism and satanism in context of Black Dahlia and Tate-LaBianca cases

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The Fat Boys of Russian Propaganda

I’m sick and tired of these liars: (L-R) Michael Moore, Steven Seagal, and Alex Jones

Having a little fun with the observation that overeating is an apparent common side effect of being a Russian propagandist (just ask Orson Welles and Harvey Weinstein).

Conveniently, I also like this Fat Boys track: LIE-Z and the lyrics are suitable to dissing Russian agitprop.  Continue reading “The Fat Boys of Russian Propaganda”

From ‘Under Siege’ to Overweight: Fact Shaming Russian Dupe Steven Seagal

In case you missed the big news, Steven Seagal ‘defected’ from the US to Russia several years ago and was granted citizenship by Presidential decree of Vladimir Putin. In August 2018, Seagal has just been named by Putin as Russia’s special representative” on “humanitarian” efforts in the “culture, public, and youth exchanges” with the USA. Today, I am going to make fun of him for being a fat dupe of Russia.

Steven Seagal : Fu Man Chump

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Pepe the Frog, meet Ivan, the Testicle

And now, for something completely different… demonological cartooning.

In order to bring the alt-righters a better sense of historical accuracy in their mascots, I introduce “Ivan the Testicle” ;  he’s a hyper-masculine  advocate for Russian interests with a fur hat and baskets for shoes . As a lapotnik, he is not only backwards and uneducated; but he also literally makes lapti for a living.  An evil personification of the enslavement of the Russian people by their leaders’ manipulations of nationalist mythology and religion for political purposes.

Character Bio

William Blake meets Mother Russia

A combination of William Blake’s The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun and St. Basil’s Cathedral of the Kremlin This collage reflects on my impressions of Russia’s historical occultist perversion of religious traditions (not just Christianity) in order to subvert them and achieve their political ends. Since at least the reign of Ivan IV (beginning in 1547)through the time of Nicholas II, and quite likely to Putin today (beginning in 1999) – the sectarian and schismatic Orthodox Church with the “Tsar” as its dubiously-declared protector has seemingly employed such strategies.

‘Big, Red, and Grotesque with Ten Horns” 1547 x 1999 pixels

“Unlike in the Soviet period, the state does not act as the official sponsor of anti-Semitism. Yet anti-Semitic literature that includes accusations that Jews engage in the ritual murder of Christian children is sold in the Russian State Duma building. The Russian Procuracy has not responded to complaints that such literature violates Russian laws against incitement of ethnic and religious hostility.” p. 4/16 (2007 report)

“Since 1991, when several monasteries ceased praying for Patriarch Aleksi 11 after his conciliatory speech before American rabbis, ROC leaders have not dared to speak directly against the antisemitism which serves as a major component of Russian ideological  nationalism. There is no mention of antisemitism in the document Foundations for a Social Concept for the ROC (Osnovy sotsial’noi kontsepsii RPTs) adopted at the Jubilee Council. Meanwhile openly antisemitic literature, including The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is frequently to be found on sale in Orthodox churches.” p. 1/13 (2002 report)

In fairness, Putin has since apologized for some of this behavior. But there is just as much evidence that it clandestinely persists; and they have now heaped their nationalist religious delusions onto the demonization of Islam as well.