UPDATE: Mea culpa edit time. I stand by this analysis as written about Jim Carrey’s art, however I edited this post on 9/20/2018 to remove a persuasive passage in the conclusion which included what might be construed as advocacy for the deceased Cathriona White; Jim Carrey’s lover who apparently killed herself by drug overdose in 2015 after alleging Carrey had introduced her to sexually transmitted diseases, drug abuse, and mental abuse. She died from a combination of medications which had been prescribed to a fake name used by Carrey, but which Carrey alleged had been stolen from him. The removed passage from the blog was taken from the context of the below text as allegedly exchanged between White and Carrey in 2013.
I was inclined at first to totally believe her claims. However, Carrey’s lawyers were able to get a civil suit dismissed which had been brought by the decedent’s legal husband as represented by so-called “Nostradamus of the legal scene” Michael Avenatti after demonstrating that medical records which showed evidence of sexual disease had likely been faked.
But what is perhaps most concerning to me in regards to this is what is apparently Ms. White’s long-term connections to Scientology, which apparently existed prior to her coming to the US in 2009. At the same time, Carrey had allegedly been a target of Scientology recruitment since 2001 (an association which Michael Avenatti himself has had to brush off on multiple occasions from a client and jurisprudence perspective due to the association with the Cathriona White civil lawsuit as brought by her Scientologist husband Mark Burton). At the time of her death, there was photographic evidence that White was going through the so-called Scientology ‘SRD‘ (Survival Run Down).
Burton apparently was raised in the church and his stepfather was Duke Snider, described as “…a lifelong Scientologist who was one of the organization’s most notorious spies. who pleaded guilty to his involvement in the 1970s ‘Snow White Program,’ where Scientology operatives plotted to infiltrate federal agencies in order to undermine their investigations.”
White married her lawful husband in 2013 – while still involved with Carrey (alleged by Carrey so she could get a Green Card) – but Burton was actually the second Scientologist she was intimately involved with. White had staged a fake wedding in 2010 with another Scientologist in order to procure photographic proof she was married, when she was in fact, not.

So it seems reasonable to conclude that White acted unethically in accordance with members of the Church of Scientology on multiple occasions in order to get permanent US residency, and also that she herself studied Scientology. Burton was accused in the proceedings of the dismissed civil suit of pocketing the ‘significant monies’ which had actually been in White’s account and keeping them for himself; and came from a family known for espionage against the US government.
Therefore, I feel that there is simply too much conflicting evidence to shame Jim Carrey at this moment for the events leading to the death of Cathriona White. To be frank, Scientology isn’t exactly renowned for its ethical influence practices. I think there is a plausible suspect for an extortion attempt if there was one, as alleged by Carrey and the court proceedings seem to support a view that at least part of White’s alleged narrative was questionable.
Although I stand by my analysis regarding Carrey’s connection to ‘Popular Front’ kinds of Hollywood behaviors and beliefs; as well as the consistent psychological themes which are transparently demonstrated in Carrey’s ‘out of character’ interviews .
I don’t think we should dismiss the very concerning claims around the death of Cathriona White altogether – there just seems too much motive ascribable to multiple parties at the moment for foul play; or even undue pressure which may have led to suicide (which I think is the most likely scenario — and this wouldn’t be the first Hollywood ‘weaponized suicide’ I’ve proposed).
But to be clear it would not be fair at the moment to try and tarnish Jim Carrey as some enemy of women or anything like that based on the evidence, so if that impression was conveyed at all, I think I was too quick to try and ‘paint that picture’ without all the information which was available regarding the case. I was wrong to run with the emotions on that one, and I’m sorry if you caught the mistake while it was up. In general I think it is right to believe accusers but we should also look at their motivations and past behavior. There just isn’t enough information to have anything other than suspicion at the moment because it looks like it could reasonably be a ‘frame job’.
Ultimately, it is good that I backtracked, because there seems to be a poetic parallel in Michael Avenatti’s representation of ‘Stormy Daniels’ (aka ‘Stephanie Clifford’) and Cathriona White, which I might not have otherwise considered had I chosen to simply accept her story at face value.
Few know that 2018 was not Stormy Daniel’s first foray into politics – in 2009, she’d challenged the embattled David Vitter and said she wanted Larry Flynt to be her campaign manager (Flynt for his part has given her stripping work and said he hopes she’s successful). At this moment, it doesn’t seem clear if Stormy Daniels considers herself more of a Tampa resident (~30 minutes from Scientology HQ), or a Louisiana one (where Larry Flynt has a track record of targeting conservative politicians with compromising sex-based stories).
There is no evidence to date that this is in any way connected to Larry Flynt’s $10 million dollar bounty offered for dirt on Donald Trump, which was announced in October 2017, just months before Stormy Daniels came forward in January 2018. Nor is there any evidence it is connected to Donald Trump’s alleged desire to remove the tax exempt status of the Church of Scientology. It is not known if it has anything to do with Michael Avenatti’s other potentially shady dealings in Florida with Gerald Tobin, an ex-con he called an ‘investigator’.
However, the whole Stormy Daniels deal does have parallels with left-wing political warfare models run by Flynt apparently in the past, which targeted David Vitter and other Republicans like Bob Barr (Former R-GA) and Bob Livingston (Former R-LA). Flynt’s investigator Dan Moldea similarly has a track record of targeting mafia figures in Louisiana and Florida who he alleges connect the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa with the John F. Kennedy assassination.
It would be interesting to find out if Michael Avenatti has any current or past client relationship with the Church of Scientology or Larry Flynt.