On June 10, 2012, RT ran the story ‘Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus’, which claimed rebels had acquired Libyan chemical weapons. It claims to have sourced the story from Dampress.net, which is a Syrian-government friendly news site based in Damascus. This story was also reported on June 10-11, 2012 on InfoWars.com and GlobalResearch.ca, citing RT. The RT report seems to have been the first English-language press report linking chemical weapons in Syria with Western-backed rebels. Continue reading “The Syrian Chemical Weapons False Flag Network is the 9/11 Conspiracy Network Too”
The Usual Suspects: Sergei Nilus and Konstantin Pobedonostsev
Did you know that the same people who advanced the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were also responsible for the near-simultaneous canonization of Seraphim of Sarov? According to Sergei Nilus and Konstantin Pobedonostsev – two conservative Orthodox figures closely connected to Nicholas II -supposedly the venerable Seraphim had predicted the death of Nicholas II by Jewish (e.g. ‘Bolshevik’) elements; painting him as a Christ-like martyr.
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Faked False Prophecy: Clear Eastern European Influence on the 9/11 Hoax Prophecies
Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, several fake Nostradamus prophecies circulated on the internet claiming the 16th century seer had predicted the crisis. In addition to reflecting clear fabrications of Nostradamus prophecy, the 9/11 fakes also included apparent elements of Baba Vanga prophecy. Baba Vanga (d. 1996) was a Nostradamus-like Eastern European mystic who is “extremely popular in Russia”, and who according to Sputnik News, predicted the 2000 Kursk disaster, the 9/11 attacks, and even Vladimir Putin’s succession of Boris Yeltsin (Sputnik 2010). Continue reading “Faked False Prophecy: Clear Eastern European Influence on the 9/11 Hoax Prophecies”
Was Russia a Factor Behind the Boxer Rebellion?
I continue my research into “MMA culture and propaganda”, now being built out in a working paper entitled “In Submission to Male Nationalist Identities: MMA’s War of the Worlds“. It is turning into a bigger project than I anticipated. In the process of my research, I have come across very interesting observations which fit the contours of my emergent theory on Russian propaganda — not the least of which is that the original name for UFC was actually going to be “War of the Worlds“! But today I want to talk about the Boxer Rebellion.

Continue reading “Was Russia a Factor Behind the Boxer Rebellion?”
Conanism and Onan the Employer
I’m working on a new post on “MMA culture and propaganda”. Of course, in the context of this investigation, we will come back to John Milius, screenwriter of Apocalypse Now, NRA board member, and popularizer in film of the Nietzsche-inspired character Conan the Cimmerian. The octagonal ring of mixed martial arts (MMA) is said to have derived from the film Conan the Barbarian (written by Milius but with a first draft by Oliver Stone), and Milius was in fact an architect of the UFC and an early Hollywood practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Words on Words: Vaclav Havel
Editorial: One of the names I considered for this blog was ‘wordswords(com)’ – which could be read as both ‘word swords’ and ‘words words’ (it wasn’t available and I am ultimately glad). As the below 1989 speech by Vaclav Havel shows, words can be dangerous, and they can also be redeeming. We need to be careful about the words we believe, and the words we use. We need to be careful how they can be used or changed in ways they are not intended to. I have always felt I have been very careful about how I choose words – despite my sometimes dyslexic tendencies towards syntax and grammar. That said, I am somewhat like a bull in a Chinese propaganda shop so we’ll see how that turns out.
The following speech is one of the best ‘sermons’ I have ever read and is filled with many relevant quotes for our age (some of the best I’ll highlight to ease visual scanning). I generally like to use my exclusively own opinion to avoid bias, but to be honest I have come to so many of the same conclusions independently of Havel from a moralistic standpoint (if not a historical one — since I am not fully educated on all of the matters of history which he references) that I have few if any reservations about putting his opinion forth as representative of my own. (This appeared originally in the NY Review of Books.)

“Nostradamus Ratios”: Why is Russia an Outlier?
I just presented on the attached paper (and a poster of my political model of Russian conspiracism) at the 13th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) which was held at National Defense University in Washington DC. The paper is based on a 2017 analysis of Google ‘hit count estimates’ (HCEs) for 38 news sites and 38 top level domains (TLDs) (two separate investigations) in order to test my theory that Russia employs the concept of Nostradamus and similar ‘prophets’ in a way that is different from the ‘West’. HCEs are a ‘webometric‘ which can potentially be used for conducting quantitative social science research on the internet.
(We are allowed and encouraged by the publisher to post these to personal web pages following the conference. )

Continue reading ““Nostradamus Ratios”: Why is Russia an Outlier?”
Marxist Dracula meets Vlad the Impaler and the Propaganda Men
I wrote this paper about the connections between Russia and Dracula a year ago and thought I would get it published. It was kind of just an interesting ‘spin off’ of my research on Nostradamus. Now I lost interest in revising and publishing it, so it is for the blog.
Since I have written this, I have made some advances in my theory and personal understanding of anti-Semitism and antifascism. You may find it somewhat ‘primitive’ compared to my more recent analyses. But the nuts and bolts hold true in my opinion.
Marxist Dracula meets Vlad the Impaler and the Propaganda Men:
Dracula as Strategic Communications about Russia
Vlad Tepes, also known as ‘Vlad the Impaler’ and ‘Dracula’ was a 15th century Wallachian warlord whose brutality was immortalized in the stories of contemporary European publicists. These stories were brought to Russia and became the basis for Russia’s first belletristic text: “The Tale of Dracula”. The 16th century Russian Tsar Ivan IV (a.k.a. ‘Ivan the Terrible’) was a critical figure in implementing a cohesive Russian mythology, and he was equated with many stories formerly related to Dracula. The first English-language book which combined the concept of vampires and the historical figure of Vlad Tepes was Karl Marx’ “Das Kapital”. There is evidence that Marx influenced Bram Stoker’s conception of Dracula as a character. In the 20th century, film-makers have developed the concept of Dracula in ways which may undermine Stoker’s arguably Russophobic and anti-Semitic context while also introducing 16th century Russian mythology and modern geopolitics to the vampire story.
Keywords: Dracula, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Third Rome, Propaganda, Russian History
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Fascism and Antifascism: Just Russia playing both sides?
There seems to be pretty good evidence that Russia exploits the extremes of our modern US political system in order to damage the establishment center (“playing both sides“) in ways which reciprocally advance Russian political and military interests. In a nutshell, this dialectic model of conspiracism forms the basis for my working theory of so called “active measures”.
I present to you that we should look to parallels in history to see this has quite likely happened before — specifically in the case of German fascism and Western antifascism.

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It is pretty obvious that Charlton Heston was a Kremlin “Culture Warrior”
The late Charlton Heston has frequently been associated with “culture war”. Heston died in April 2008, but in the final years of his life, he was known principally as a staunch right wing gun rights activist, and former long term president of the National Rifle Association (NRA).
In 2013, appearing on Alex Jones’ Infowars in a segment devoted to ‘rebut[ting] the desecration of Charlton Heston’s memory‘, frequent guest Ted Nugent said:
“Charlton Heston knew the culture war was coming before any of us did, Alex”. (@6:40)
Continue reading “It is pretty obvious that Charlton Heston was a Kremlin “Culture Warrior””