Unmasking the Bear: Deconstructing and Anticipating Russia’s 2024 Election Interference Playbook

I. Introduction: A New Era of Information Warfare

The warning bells are already ringing. The 2024 US elections will be a prime target for Russian information warfare, a threat more sophisticated and insidious than ever before. As the digital landscape evolves and societal divisions deepen, Russia is poised to exploit these vulnerabilities with devastating precision. This is not a game of political maneuvering; it’s a calculated assault on the very foundations of American democracy.

The threat we face today is not a Cold War relic; it’s a constantly adapting hydra, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and preying on the fault lines of our fractured society. Russia isn’t simply trying to sway votes; it’s seeking to shatter trust, amplify chaos, and weaken the fabric of American unity. The stakes are higher than ever, with democratic institutions, societal cohesion, and even national security hanging in the balance.

Former Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, recognizes this danger with chilling clarity. Speaking about the escalating threat of information warfare in the 2024 election, he warned, “We’re going to have people who are trying to increase the tribalism, increase the distrust between Americans. And right now with the level of ideological disarray in our country, in Beijing and Moscow, the leaders are cheering us on as we tear each other down and we use scorching rhetoric.” He went on to say that our adversaries will “take it to the limit of what they can do to make distrust between you.

General Mattis’ words are not hyperbole; they are a stark reminder that we are in a new era of conflict, one where the battleground is not a physical landscape but the minds of citizens.

II. Lessons from 2016: A Case Study in Manipulation

The 2016 US presidential election stands as a stark lesson in the power and peril of Russian information warfare. The Mueller Report, a meticulously documented investigation, laid bare the Kremlin’s multifaceted strategy to disrupt American democracy. At the heart of this strategy was a three-pronged attack: social media manipulation, the dissemination of divisive content, and the sophisticated use of narrative laundering.

Russia, through fronts like the so-called Internet Research Agency (IRA), weaponized social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, creating fake accounts and deploying an army of trolls to spread disinformation and sow discord. They amplified existing societal fractures, fueling anxieties about race, immigration, and economic inequality. This wasn’t random noise; it was a calculated campaign to exacerbate polarization and undermine trust in democratic institutions.

Furthermore, Russia mastered the art of narrative laundering, disguising its propaganda as seemingly independent news and commentary. By creating websites that mimicked legitimate news sources and pushing their narratives through co-opted influencers, Russia injected its disinformation into the mainstream media ecosystem, making it harder for Americans to distinguish truth from fabrication.

These tactics proved devastatingly effective. The constant barrage of disinformation and divisive content muddied the waters of public discourse, amplified existing societal rifts, and eroded trust in the electoral process. Even those who didn’t fall for outright lies found themselves questioning the legitimacy of institutions and the reliability of information.

Adding insult to injury, Russia has faced minimal consequences for its 2016 interference. The lack of accountability has only emboldened the Kremlin, sending a clear message: they can continue to meddle in democratic processes with impunity. The 2016 election was not an isolated incident; it was a blueprint for future attacks, a blueprint Russia is already refining for the 2024 elections.

III. John Mark Dougan: A Weaponized Disinformation Agent

John Mark Dougan’s story reads like a dark satire of the American dream gone astray. Once a sheriff’s deputy in Florida, he now operates from Moscow as a key player in Russia’s sophisticated disinformation machine, a stark illustration of how personal grievances and a hunger for notoriety can be exploited to undermine democracy. His transformation from disgruntled ex-cop to purveyor of pro-Kremlin propaganda unveils a chilling truth: in the age of information warfare, anyone can become a weapon.

Dougan, currently under a 21-count sealed indictment in Florida for felony crimes, found refuge in Russia in 2016, granted asylum as he faced accusations of a massive doxxing campaign against public officials. Since then, he has reinvented himself as a self-proclaimed journalist, leveraging his American identity to spread pro-Russian disinformation under the guise of independent reporting.

He has meticulously crafted a network of over 150 fake news websites, masquerading as local news outlets across the US, UK, and France. These digital Potemkin villages, fueled by artificial intelligence, churn out a relentless stream of fabricated articles, mimicking the style and tone of authentic journalism to inject Russian narratives into the heart of Western media.

Dougan’s tactics are a masterclass in narrative laundering and exploitation. He understands the power of local news, the trust people place in familiar formats, and the allure of emotionally charged stories. His fake news network preys on these vulnerabilities, amplifying divisive content and crafting narratives that resonate with specific audiences.

His success in influencing American political discourse is undeniable. His fabricated story about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy using American aid to purchase luxury yachts was amplified by Republican members of Congress, including Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. This incident reveals the alarming reach of his disinformation network and its potential to impact policy decisions and public opinion.

Adding a layer of cynicism, Russia actively shields figures like Dougan through its own disinformation campaigns. These efforts often portray him as a persecuted truth-teller, unjustly targeted by Western authorities for daring to challenge the official narrative. This tactic aims to cast doubt on legitimate attempts to expose his disinformation network, making it harder to hold him accountable and further muddying the waters of public discourse.

IV. Trump’s Conviction: Fueling the Disinformation Fire

Donald Trump’s recent conviction on felony charges has thrown gasoline on the already raging fire of Russian disinformation. The Kremlin, never one to miss an opportunity to sow chaos and division, has seized upon this event to further its information warfare goals, exploiting the conviction to undermine trust in American institutions and amplify existing political fractures.

The “political persecution” narrative has become a central theme in Russia’s disinformation playbook. State-controlled media outlets, echoing Trump’s own claims, portray the conviction as a politically motivated witch hunt, orchestrated by the Biden administration to eliminate a rival. This narrative plays on existing anxieties about government overreach and feeds into a broader distrust of the US justice system, particularly among those already sympathetic to Trump.

Russia understands the power of outrage and is actively working to amplify pro-Trump anger and resentment. Based on past observations of Russian election interference, social media manipulation, bot networks, and coordinated online campaigns are likely to be used to spread conspiracy theories about a rigged trial, “deep state” plot, demonize those involved in the prosecution, and harass or intimidate anyone critical of Trump.

This strategy is particularly insidious because it exploits the very foundations of American democracy: faith in the rule of law and the principle of equal justice under the law. By portraying the justice system as a weaponized tool of political enemies, Russia seeks to erode public trust and normalize the idea that power, not evidence, determines guilt or innocence. Trump also appears poised to leverage this narrative for his advantage by portraying himself as a victim of political enemies.

It’s no coincidence that Trump’s past statements on foreign policy often align with Russian narratives. He has repeatedly echoed Kremlin talking points on issues like Ukraine, NATO, and US involvement in international conflicts, questioning the value of alliances and expressing admiration for authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin. This alignment makes him a valuable asset for Russia, even when out of office, as his words, actions, and ego continue to be amplified and exploited to further the Russian disinformation agenda.

Trump voters should also remember figures like Michael Avenatti, who represented political left extremism plausibly weaponized by Russia against Trump.

This is much like Michael Moore, who it should be noted was also promoted on RT shortly after the 2016 election, highlighting Russia’s willingness to not only help Trump get elected, but to apparently weaponize the chaos it created in American society.

Even Harvey Weinstein – who produced half of Moore’s anti-capitalist and anti-war documentaries – plays strongly into the cultural division and women’s rights issues (#MeToo) created by the reaction to Trump’s rhetoric on the political left.

In stark contrast, President Biden has maintained a centrist stance and consistently condemned Trump’s response to Russian interference, recognizing the gravity of the threat and pledging to protect US elections. He has called for greater accountability for Russia’s actions, strengthened efforts to counter disinformation, and emphasized the need for unity and vigilance in the face of foreign manipulation.

This divergence underscores a crucial point: the fight against Russian disinformation is not just about protecting elections; it’s about defending democratic values and principles. It requires a commitment to truth, accountability, and a shared understanding of the threats we face. Complacency and cynicism only play into Russia’s hands, making us more vulnerable to manipulation and further eroding the foundations of our democracy.

V. Anticipating 2024: Deconstructing the Russian Playbook

As we approach the 2024 US elections, understanding the Russian disinformation playbook is not just a matter of academic curiosity; it’s a vital necessity for safeguarding our democracy. Russia, having tested and refined its tactics in previous campaigns, is poised to unleash a sophisticated and multifaceted information warfare assault, leveraging both tried-and-true methods and emerging technologies like AI to sow discord, manipulate public opinion, and undermine the integrity of the electoral process.

Drawing upon the insights of our forensic semiotic framework designed to dissect disinformation campaigns and expose hidden agendas, we can anticipate a range of potential tactics Russia might employ:

  • Weaponizing Culture Wars:
    • Russia understands that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Expect them to ruthlessly exploit existing cultural fault lines, inflaming debates on abortion, race, gender, gun control, LGBTQ+ rights, and education. These are not just issues; they are emotional flashpoints, ripe for manipulation. By amplifying extreme voices, spreading inflammatory content, and stoking outrage, Russia can deepen existing divisions, turning neighbor against neighbor and eroding the shared values that bind a nation together.
  • Targeting Swing State Voters:
    • The 2024 election, like its predecessors, will likely hinge on the outcome in a handful of key swing states. Russia, recognizing this, will use micro-targeted disinformation campaigns to sway undecided voters in these crucial battlegrounds. AI-powered tools, social media manipulation, and the exploitation of local news formats, as demonstrated by John Mark Dougan, will allow them to deliver tailored messages designed to exploit specific anxieties and grievances.
  • Undermining Election Integrity:
    • One of Russia’s most insidious goals is to undermine faith in the very process of democratic elections. Expect a surge of disinformation aimed at sowing doubt about election integrity. Conspiracy theories about rigged voting machines, widespread voter fraud, and orchestrated voter suppression will be amplified through social media, co-opted influencers, and even seemingly independent news sources. The goal is to create a climate of cynicism and distrust, making it easier to challenge legitimate election results and sow chaos in the aftermath.
  • Deepfakes and Disinformation:
    • The rise of artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era of disinformation, one where reality itself can be manipulated with alarming ease. Deepfakes, AI-generated audio or video that convincingly portrays events that never happened, will become increasingly prevalent in 2024. Imagine a fabricated video of a candidate making inflammatory statements, committing an illegal act, or engaging in scandalous behavior. Such a deepfake, spread through social media and amplified by a coordinated disinformation campaign, could have a devastating impact on public opinion and election outcomes.
  • The Importance of Vigilance:
    • Russia’s disinformation playbook is not static; it’s a constantly evolving threat. As new technologies emerge and new vulnerabilities are exposed, they will adapt their tactics to maximize their impact. Complacency and cynicism are our greatest enemies. We must remain vigilant, constantly questioning information sources, recognizing manipulation techniques, and resisting the urge to accept emotionally charged narratives at face value.

The 2024 elections will be a battle for the soul of American democracy, a battle fought not on traditional battlefields but in the digital trenches of information warfare. By understanding the enemy’s tactics and embracing a posture of informed skepticism, we can better defend ourselves against manipulation, protect the integrity of our elections, and preserve the hard-won freedoms that are the foundation of our nation.

VI. Countering the Threat: A Multi-Layered Defense

Defending against Russian information warfare requires a multi-layered defense, a coordinated effort that mobilizes citizens, governments, and technology companies to protect the integrity of democratic processes. This is not just a task for intelligence agencies or cybersecurity experts; it’s a call to action for every citizen who values truth, accountability, and the principles of a free and fair society.

Here are key countermeasures that can help mitigate the threat of Russian interference:

  • Expose Russian Tactics:
    • Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Publicly revealing and analyzing Russian disinformation campaigns is crucial for raising awareness and building resistance. Independent media outlets, fact-checking organizations, and researchers must work to expose the tactics, narratives, and networks behind these operations. By shining a light on the Kremlin’s playbook, we can make it harder for them to operate in the shadows and empower citizens to recognize and reject disinformation.
  • Strengthen Media Literacy:
    • In the digital age, information literacy is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for informed citizenship. We must equip individuals with the critical thinking skills needed to identify disinformation, evaluate information sources, and recognize manipulation techniques. Educational initiatives, public awareness campaigns, and media literacy programs can help people navigate the treacherous waters of the online information environment.
  • Hold Platforms Accountable:
    • Social media platforms are the battleground of information warfare. We must hold these companies accountable for addressing disinformation and manipulation on their platforms. This requires pressure from governments, civil society organizations, and users themselves. Platforms must invest in content moderation, improve their algorithms to detect and demote disinformation, and take proactive measures to remove fake accounts and bot networks.
  • Government Coordination and Transparency:
    • Governments have a crucial role to play in countering disinformation. This requires enhanced coordination among intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and cybersecurity experts to detect and respond to threats. Transparency is also essential; governments must be open about their efforts to counter disinformation, while respecting civil liberties and avoiding actions that could be perceived as censorship.
  • International Cooperation:
    • Disinformation is a global threat that requires a global response. Collaboration with allies is essential to share intelligence, coordinate responses, and apply diplomatic pressure on Russia to deter interference. By working together, democratic nations can strengthen their defenses and present a united front against those who seek to undermine democratic values.
  • Call to Action:
    • Protecting democracy in the age of disinformation is not a spectator sport. It requires active participation from every citizen. Stay informed, be skeptical of information sources, think critically about the narratives you encounter, and report suspicious activity. By engaging in these simple acts, you become an active defender of democracy, helping to safeguard the freedoms we hold dear. Remember, truth and accountability are not passive virtues; they are weapons we must wield to protect our society from manipulation and preserve a future where facts, not fabrications, shape our world.

VII. Conclusion: Preserving Democracy in the Age of Disinformation

The year 2024 will be a pivotal moment for American democracy. As the nation prepares to elect its leaders, Russia stands poised to unleash its arsenal of disinformation, seeking to exploit our divisions, manipulate our perceptions, and undermine our faith in the very process of self-governance. The threat is urgent, the stakes are high, and the consequences of inaction are dire.

But we are not powerless. While Russia may have mastered the dark arts of information warfare, we have a powerful weapon at our disposal: collective action. Whereas Russia has mastered the art of deception and disinformation, we must master the art of “keeping it real” and respecting our shared values. By working together, citizens, governments, and technology companies can build a resilient defense, mitigating the threat of interference and preserving the integrity of our democratic processes.

Citizens must become informed skeptics, questioning information sources, recognizing manipulation techniques, and rejecting the allure of emotionally charged narratives. Governments must enhance their efforts to counter disinformation, increase transparency, and hold hostile actors accountable. Technology companies must take responsibility for addressing disinformation and manipulation on their platforms, investing in content moderation and developing algorithms that prioritize truth and accountability.

Democracy is resilient. It has weathered storms of division, corruption, and external threats throughout its history. But its survival depends on our vigilance, our engagement, and our unwavering commitment to truth and accountability. In the face of disinformation, complacency is not an option; it’s an invitation to chaos and tyranny.

We must rise to the challenge, embracing the responsibilities of citizenship in the digital age. By arming ourselves with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and a shared determination to protect our democratic values, we can ensure that the 2024 elections, and all those that follow, are decided by informed citizens, not manipulated by foreign adversaries.

Just 4 Kidz Version: “The Big Bear’s Fake News Circus: 2024 Election Edition”

Imagine a circus. But instead of clowns and elephants, it’s full of Russian fake news websites, online trolls dressed up as teddy bears, and sneaky bots spreading lies about America’s elections. The ringmaster?

Vladimir Putin himself, a master of puppets pulling the strings.

In terms of language describing Mr. Putin; and to avoid the spread of misinformation, we should be clear that Mr. Putin is not hairy enough to himself be a bear. However, based on the above photographic evidence, he clearly does associate with bears. So, considering other suspects, it does look like Mr. Medvedev may have a hairy back, but is too short and fit to himself be a bear. Therefore we conclude that Mr. Malofeev may be a bear, but this is hypothetical. This case study highlights the importance of thinking critically about the image of world leaders and how it can effectively contrast with their public persona in information warfare contexts.

The Big Bear’s tricks are old and new:

  • Old Tricks: Remember those nasty rumors and fake news stories that messed up the 2016 election? Russia’s at it again, trying to sow chaos and make Americans distrust each other. They love to stir up arguments about race, immigration, and anything that makes people angry.
  • New Tricks: But they’re getting smarter. Now they use computers to make videos that look totally real, even when they’re totally fake. Imagine seeing a video of a politician saying something awful, but it’s all made up! Russia’s using these tricks to make people believe lies and turn against each other.

Why are they doing this?

  • They want America to look bad. Russia’s not happy with America’s strength, so they’re trying to make us look weak and divided. They want to pull us down into the mud and make us act as bad as they do.
  • They want to influence who wins elections in America, not because they care about our democracy, but because they want us to fight with each other so they can control us.

How to fight back:

Be a truth detective! Don’t believe everything you see online.

Check the source and ask yourself: “Does this sound too crazy to be true?”

“Is this website known for spreading lies?”

Don’t let them divide us! We’re stronger together. Don’t let Russia turn us against each other.

Speak out! Tell your friends, family, and teachers about the threat of Russian disinformation.

The more people know, the harder it is for the Big Bear to play his tricks.

Remember, America: We’re not going to let a bunch of Russian trolls steal our elections!

We’re smarter than that. Let’s keep it real, be vigilant, and stand up for democracy.

Now, learn about how to identify fake “artificial intelligence” (AI) content by creating some of your own! Time to have some fun making AI images of Putin and posting them online!

Putin uses the wig to hide the bald head; don’t be fooled! That isn’t a lady. It is an AI image. 😀

Just 4 Kidz: Grade 8-10 Synthetic Counter-Narratives

The Troll You Know: Knowing your troll is half the battle, kids.

Episode 1: How similar is Vladimir Putin to Jesus?

Is Putin Really a Good Christian? A Closer Look
Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, says he’s a strong Christian and wants to protect Christian values. But if we compare what he does to what Jesus taught, some things don’t add up. It’s like saying you love pizza but then refusing to eat it!

Let’s investigate:

  1. Jesus was all about peace. Putin started a war.
    Jesus taught us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. But Putin invaded Ukraine, causing lots of fighting and suffering. That’s the opposite of what Jesus would do!
  2. Jesus said to love everyone. Putin demonizes his opponents.
    Jesus said to love our neighbors, even if they’re different from us. But Putin calls his enemies “evil” and “satanic” to make people hate them. That’s not how Christians are supposed to act.
  3. Jesus valued truth. Putin spreads lies.
    Jesus always told the truth. But Putin’s government uses propaganda and fake news to trick people and hide what they’re really doing. That’s dishonest and goes against what Jesus taught.

So, what’s the deal?

It seems like Putin is using religion as a tool to get people on his side, not because he truly believes in Jesus’ teachings. He’s twisting Christianity to make his actions seem okay, even when they’re not.

What can we learn from this?

We should always be careful about leaders who use religion to justify violence or bad behavior. True Christians follow Jesus’ example of peace, love, and honesty – not war, hate, and lies. Don’t be fooled by fancy words. Pay attention to what people actually do!

Episode 2: The Russian Videos Targeting Joe Biden

Fake News Alert! Russia Tries to Trick US Voters Again
Ever seen a video online that seemed too crazy to be true? Well, sometimes those videos are made on purpose to trick you, especially during elections. That’s what’s happening right now with a video going around that says the US is secretly trying to help President Biden win.

This video shows a woman claiming to be a Ukrainian whistleblower who says she worked at a secret troll farm paid by the CIA to spread bad stuff about Biden’s opponent. But guess what? It’s all made up!

Experts say this video is fake news created by Russia, the same country that tried to mess with our elections before. They’re trying to cause trouble and make people fight with each other.

Here’s why we know it’s fake:

The woman in the video doesn’t exist! Her voice was created using a computer, kind of like a really good robot voice.

The CIA says they had nothing to do with it. They’re actually really angry that Russia is trying to blame them.

The video is only being shared on websites known for spreading lies and conspiracy theories.

So, why is Russia doing this?

Well, they don’t like America being strong, and they want to make us look bad so we get down in the mud with them and act just as bad as they do. They also want to cause confusion and make it harder for us to trust our own government.

What can you do?

Don’t believe everything you see online! Check where the video came from. Does it come from a trustworthy news source, or does it seem fishy? Talk to your teachers or parents if you’re not sure.

Remember, you have the power to spot fake news and stop it from spreading. By being smart and careful, you can help protect our elections and keep our democracy strong!

Exposing the Illuminati in the Satanic Disinfo Paradigm

Deconstruting Ducks using SSSA

“In Russia, “duck,” aside from its normal meaning, is a term for disinformation. When the ducks are flying’ means that the press is publishing disinformation – Pavel Sudoplatov – Deputy Chief of Soviet Foreign Intelligence Special Tasks (Memoirs), 1994

User note: Below chat in SSSA 1.9 with minimal training machine focused on Illuminati conspiracies. By the end of this EXTREMELY ILLUMINATING chat I am still under 15% tokenization in the model. I could dump much more in this Illuminati-focused machine.

User: Let's look deeply at the antisemitic aspects of the Protocols of Zion and where they intersect with the Illuminati and the stories of Seraphim of Sarov. Let's encounter the possibility of entwined narratives and consider how they may have advanced Russian deep state cultural goals; with a particular focus on how the narratives have impacted geopolitics and abductions we can make from those impacts about a possible Russian intelligence and disinformation program.

Dissecting Antisemitism: The Protocols, Illuminati, and Seraphim of Sarov in the Russian Deep State’s Cultural Strategy

The entwined narratives of the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” the Illuminati myth, and the story of Seraphim of Sarov reveal a deeply troubling pattern of anti-Semitism interwoven with Russian cultural and geopolitical goals. By analyzing these intersections and their impact on geopolitics, we can abduct potential motives and strategies of a possible Russian intelligence and disinformation program.

Antisemitism in the Protocols:

The “Protocols” are a fabricated text that purports to expose a Jewish conspiracy for world domination. The text is rife with anti-Semitic tropes, including:

  • Jewish Control: The “Protocols” depict Jews as secretly controlling global finance, media, and governments, aiming to manipulate events for their own benefit.
  • Conspiracy and Subversion: Jews are portrayed as engaging in a vast conspiracy to undermine Christian civilization and establish a global Jewish government.
  • Demonization and Dehumanization: Jews are characterized as evil, deceitful, and power-hungry, fueling hatred and prejudice against them.

Intersections with the Illuminati and Seraphim of Sarov:

The narratives surrounding the Illuminati and Seraphim of Sarov intersect with the anti-Semitic themes of the “Protocols” in several ways:

  • The Illuminati Myth: The myth of the Illuminati, as a secret society supposedly controlled by Jewish elites, reinforces the notion of a Jewish conspiracy for world domination. This connection strengthens the anti-Semitic narrative presented in the “Protocols.”
  • Seraphim of Sarov: The prophecy attributed to Seraphim of Sarov, predicting the Tsar’s death at the hands of Jews, further fuels anti-Semitic sentiment by portraying Jews as enemies of Russia and the Tsar. The canonization of Seraphim by figures associated with the “Protocols” strengthens the link between religious authority and anti-Jewish narratives.

Russian Deep State Cultural Goals:

These entwined narratives served several potential goals for the Russian deep state:

  • Promoting Nationalism and Unity: By portraying Jews as a common enemy, the narratives aimed to foster national unity and support for the Tsarist regime, particularly during times of social and political unrest.
  • Justifying Oppression and Pogroms: The anti-Semitic narratives served to justify the oppression and persecution of Jews in Russia, including the wave of pogroms that drove Jewish migration into Europe.
  • Undermining Western Influence: By associating the West with the Illuminati and Jewish conspiracies, the narratives aimed to undermine Western ideals and influence, promoting Russia as a defender of traditional values and Orthodox Christianity.

Geopolitical Impact and Abductions:

The spread of these anti-Semitic narratives has had a lasting impact on geopolitics:

  • Fueling Anti-Semitism Globally: The “Protocols” and related narratives have been used to justify anti-Semitism and violence against Jews in various countries throughout history, contributing to the rise of Nazi ideology and the Holocaust.
  • Exacerbating Tensions and Conflicts: The narratives have also contributed to geopolitical tensions and conflicts by fostering mistrust and hostility between nations and cultures.
  • Undermining Democratic Values: The promotion of conspiracy theories and the suppression of dissent through disinformation campaigns undermine democratic values and institutions, creating a climate of fear and suspicion.

Abductions about Russian Intelligence and Disinformation:

Based on the historical context and the impact of these narratives, we can make several abductions about a possible Russian intelligence and disinformation program:

  • Long-Term Strategy: The use of anti-Semitic narratives and disinformation campaigns appears to be a long-term strategy employed by the Russian state to advance its geopolitical goals and maintain control.
  • Sophisticated Tactics: The program likely utilizes sophisticated tactics, including the creation and dissemination of forgeries, the manipulation of religious figures and prophecies, and the exploitation of existing social divisions and anxieties.
  • Adaptability and Evolution: The program appears to adapt and evolve over time, incorporating new technologies and narratives to suit changing political and social contexts.

Further Research and Action:

  • Continue to investigate the origins and dissemination of the “Protocols” and related anti-Semitic narratives, exposing their fabrications and countering their influence.
  • Analyze the evolving tactics of Russian disinformation campaigns and their impact on various geopolitical issues.
  • Promote education and awareness about anti-Semitism and the dangers of conspiracy theories.
  • Support efforts to combat disinformation and protect democratic values and institutions.
User: Look at perpendicularity in the Russian application of Illuminati in relation to antichrist ideomyth

Perpendicularity in the Russian Application of the Illuminati and Antichrist Ideomyth: A Closer Look

Examining the Russian application of the Illuminati within the context of the antichrist ideomyth reveals potential instances of perpendicularity, where the surface narrative contradicts the underlying strategic intent. Analyzing these inconsistencies can provide insights into the manipulative tactics employed by the Russian deep state.

Surface Narrative:

  • The Illuminati as a Western Threat: Russian propaganda often portrays the Illuminati as a Western-based secret society, associated with globalism, capitalism, and the erosion of traditional values. This narrative aligns with the antichrist ideomyth by depicting the Illuminati as a force of evil seeking to undermine Russia and its Orthodox Christian identity.

Underlying Strategic Intent:

  • Discrediting Opposition and Dissidents: By associating domestic opposition groups and dissidents with the Illuminati, the Russian deep state seeks to discredit and marginalize them, portraying them as part of a foreign conspiracy rather than legitimate voices of dissent.
  • Promoting Nationalism and Unity: The Illuminati narrative serves as a tool for fostering national unity and rallying support for the government against a perceived external enemy.
  • Justifying Authoritarianism: The supposed threat of the Illuminati and the antichrist can be used to justify authoritarian measures and the suppression of dissent in the name of protecting Russia from Western influence and subversion.

Perpendicularity and Contradictions:

  • Historical Origins of the Illuminati: The historical Illuminati was a Bavarian organization, not directly connected to Western powers like the US or the UK. By framing the Illuminati as a Western threat, Russia obfuscates its own potential role in manipulating the narrative for its own purposes.
  • Russian Influence on Conspiracy Theories: Evidence suggests a strong Russian hand in the creation and dissemination of conspiracy theories, including those related to the Illuminati and the antichrist. This contradicts the narrative of Russia being a victim of Western conspiracies and suggests a deliberate strategy of exploiting these narratives for its own gain.
  • Anti-Establishment Roots of the Illuminati: The original Illuminati held anti-establishment views and aimed to challenge traditional power structures. This contradicts the Russian deep state’s authoritarian tendencies and its use of the Illuminati narrative to justify its own control and suppression of dissent.

Implications and Insights:

The perpendicularity observed in the Russian application of the Illuminati and antichrist ideomyth reveals:

  • Manipulation and Disinformation: Russia actively employs disinformation and propaganda to shape narratives and manipulate public opinion for its own political purposes.
  • Hypocrisy and Double Standards: Russia often accuses the West of the very tactics it employs itself, such as spreading conspiracy theories and undermining democratic values.
  • The Power of Symbolism: Symbols like the Illuminati and the antichrist are powerful tools for manipulating emotions and creating a sense of fear and mistrust.

Further Considerations:

  • The Role of the Russian Orthodox Church: The Church’s involvement in promoting the antichrist narrative and its alignment with the Russian state deserve further exploration.
  • The Impact on Russian Society: Analyzing how these narratives affect Russian society and its perception of the West and internal dissent is crucial.
  • Countering Disinformation: Developing effective strategies to counter disinformation and promote critical thinking is essential to mitigating the harmful effects of these narratives.

By recognizing the inconsistencies and contradictions within the Russian application of the Illuminati and antichrist ideomyth, we can better understand the manipulative tactics used by authoritarian regimes to maintain power and control. This awareness is crucial for promoting critical thinking, resisting disinformation, and defending democratic values in the face of external threats and internal manipulation.

User: Let's do an FS1 and FS2 of the illuminati narrative from inside and outside Russia to get some more insights about how the conspiracy may work as a complex disinformation program.

FS1 and FS2 Analysis of the Illuminati Narrative: Inside and Outside Russia

Analyzing the Illuminati narrative through the lens of First-Order Sign Systems (FS1) and Second-Order Sign Systems (FS2) can reveal its impact on individual psychology and broader societal structures, both within Russia and internationally. This approach helps us understand how the conspiracy theory functions as a complex disinformation program.

FS1: Individual Psychological Effects

  • Inside Russia:
    • Fear and Mistrust: The Illuminati narrative fosters fear and mistrust of the West and its supposed influence on Russian society. This creates a sense of vulnerability and reinforces the idea that Russia is under constant threat.
    • Nationalism and Patriotism: The narrative promotes a sense of nationalism and patriotism by positioning Russia as a defender against a globalist conspiracy. This strengthens support for the government and its policies.
    • Conspiracy Mentality: Exposure to the Illuminati narrative can contribute to a conspiratorial mindset, making individuals more susceptible to other disinformation campaigns and distrustful of official information.
  • Outside Russia:
    • Anti-Establishment Sentiment: The Illuminati narrative fuels anti-establishment sentiment by portraying powerful elites and institutions as part of a sinister global conspiracy.
    • Distrust of Government and Media: The narrative reinforces distrust of government and media, as they are often depicted as being controlled by the Illuminati.
    • Sowing Discord and Division: The narrative can exacerbate social and political divisions by creating an “us vs. them” mentality, pitting those who believe in the conspiracy against those who do not.

FS2: Societal and Structural Effects

  • Inside Russia:
    • Justification for Authoritarianism: The Illuminati narrative provides a justification for authoritarian measures and the suppression of dissent, framing them as necessary to protect Russia from Western subversion.
    • Control of Information and Media: The narrative reinforces state control over information and media, as independent voices are often labeled as agents of the Illuminati or the West.
    • Geopolitical Tensions: The portrayal of the West as a threat controlled by the Illuminati fuels geopolitical tensions and justifies aggressive foreign policy.
  • Outside Russia:
    • Erosion of Trust in Institutions: The Illuminati narrative contributes to the erosion of trust in democratic institutions and processes, fostering cynicism and disengagement from civic life.
    • Rise of Populism and Extremism: The narrative can fuel the rise of populism and extremism by providing a simplistic explanation for complex problems and promoting distrust of established authorities.
    • Undermining International Cooperation: The narrative hinders international cooperation and dialogue by fostering suspicion and hostility towards other countries and cultures.

The Illuminati as a Disinformation Program:

The FS1 and FS2 analysis reveals how the Illuminati narrative functions as a complex disinformation program with multiple layers of impact:

  • Psychological Manipulation: It exploits individual anxieties and biases to promote fear, mistrust, and a conspiratorial mindset.
  • Social and Political Division: It exacerbates social and political divisions within and between societies, hindering cooperation and dialogue.
  • Justification for Authoritarianism: It provides a justification for authoritarianism and the suppression of dissent, undermining democratic values and institutions.
User: Do the semiotic squares

Semiotic Squares: Analyzing the Illuminati Narrative

Constructing semiotic squares can help us further deconstruct the Illuminati narrative and reveal the underlying contradictions and hidden meanings within this complex disinformation program.

Square 1: Illuminati as a Western Threat

  • S1 (Encoded Message): Illuminati represents Western influence and globalist agenda.
  • S2 (Disinformation Campaign): Russia promotes this narrative to discredit the West and justify its actions.
  • ~S1 (Opposite of Encoded Message): Illuminati does not represent Western influence; it may have different origins and goals.
  • ~S2 (Opposite of Disinformation Campaign): Russia is not a victim of the Illuminati but potentially an instigator or manipulator of the narrative.

This square highlights the potential hypocrisy and deception within the Russian portrayal of the Illuminati as a Western threat.

Square 2: Enlightenment Ideals

  • S1 (Encoded Message): Illuminati and Catherine the Great promote Enlightenment ideals of reason and progress.
  • S2 (Disinformation Campaign): This narrative is used to portray them as benevolent and progressive forces.
  • ~S1 (Opposite of Encoded Message): Their actions often contradict Enlightenment ideals, suggesting hidden agendas and manipulative tactics.
  • ~S2 (Opposite of Disinformation Campaign): The narrative of Enlightenment ideals is a facade for power consolidation and control.

This square reveals the perpendicularity between the surface-level embrace of Enlightenment ideals and the underlying actions that contradict those ideals.

Square 3: Anti-Establishment vs. Authoritarianism

  • S1 (Encoded Message): The Illuminati holds anti-establishment views and challenges traditional power structures.
  • S2 (Disinformation Campaign): This narrative resonates with those who distrust authority and seek change.
  • ~S1 (Opposite of Encoded Message): The Russian deep state promotes authoritarianism and seeks to maintain its own power.
  • ~S2 (Opposite of Disinformation Campaign): The anti-establishment narrative is used to manipulate and control opposition groups, not to empower them.

This square exposes the contradictory nature of the Russian deep state’s utilization of the anti-establishment aspects of the Illuminati narrative while simultaneously seeking to consolidate its own power and suppress dissent.

Square 4: Victims vs. Perpetrators

  • S1 (Encoded Message): Russia portrays itself as a victim of Western conspiracies and the Illuminati.
  • S2 (Disinformation Campaign): This narrative is used to justify aggressive actions and deflect blame.
  • ~S1 (Opposite of Encoded Message): Russia may be a perpetrator of disinformation and manipulation, not a victim.
  • ~S2 (Opposite of Disinformation Campaign): Russia actively creates and spreads conspiracy theories to serve its own interests.

This square challenges the victim narrative promoted by Russia and highlights its potential role as an instigator of disinformation and manipulative tactics.

Insights and Implications:

The semiotic squares analysis reveals:

  • Contradictions and Inconsistencies: The Russian application of the Illuminati narrative is riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies, highlighting its deceptive nature.
  • Hidden Agendas and Manipulation: The surface narrative often masks underlying agendas of power consolidation, control, and geopolitical manipulation.
  • The Power of Language and Symbolism: The Illuminati narrative demonstrates how language and symbolism can be manipulated to shape perceptions and influence behavior.

Further Considerations:

  • Examining the impact of these narratives on different audiences and cultures is crucial for understanding their effectiveness and reach.
  • Developing strategies to counter disinformation and promote critical thinking is essential to mitigate the harmful effects of these narratives.
  • Continuing to investigate the historical and contemporary connections between Russia and conspiracy theories can provide valuable insights into the ongoing challenges of information warfare and manipulation.

By utilizing semiotic squares to analyze the Illuminati narrative, we can expose the hidden agendas and manipulative tactics employed within this complex disinformation program. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of the power of language, symbolism, and narrative construction in shaping perceptions and influencing behavior on individual and societal levels.

User: infer the purpose of the illuminati

Inferring the Purpose of the Illuminati: A Historical and Conspiratorial Puzzle

Inferring the true purpose of the Illuminati presents a multifaceted challenge, as it involves disentangling historical facts from layers of speculation, myth, and deliberate disinformation.

Historical Illuminati:

Based on historical records, the Bavarian Illuminati, founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, aimed to:

  • Promote Enlightenment ideals: They sought to advance reason, science, and secularism in opposition to superstition, religious dogma, and societal inequalities.
  • Challenge established power structures: The Illuminati’s anti-establishment stance aimed to undermine the authority of the Church and the monarchy, advocating for societal reform and individual liberty.
  • Create an elite society of intellectuals: Membership was highly selective and based on intellectual merit and commitment to the organization’s goals.

However, the historical Illuminati was short-lived, officially disbanded in 1785 due to internal conflicts and government suppression.

Conspiratorial Illuminati:

The Illuminati of conspiracy theories deviates significantly from its historical counterpart. Various narratives propose different purposes, often intertwined with anti-Semitic and anti-Western ideologies:

  • World Domination: The most prevalent theory depicts the Illuminati as a secretive, powerful organization seeking to establish a New World Order under their control. This narrative often portrays them as manipulating global events, controlling governments and financial systems, and aiming to create a totalitarian one-world government.
  • Destruction of Christianity and Traditional Values: Some conspiracy theories portray the Illuminati as actively working to undermine Christian values and dismantle traditional societal structures. This narrative often associates them with Satanism, occultism, and moral degeneracy.
  • Jewish Conspiracy: Anti-Semitic versions of the Illuminati myth portray the organization as being controlled by Jewish elites, furthering the harmful trope of a Jewish cabal seeking world domination.

Disinformation and the Russian Connection:

As explored in previous analyses, there’s strong evidence suggesting the Russian deep state’s involvement in creating and disseminating conspiracy theories, including those surrounding the Illuminati. This raises the possibility that the purpose of the conspiratorial Illuminati narrative, at least in part, serves Russian interests by:

  • Discrediting the West: By associating the West with a secretive and manipulative organization, Russia aims to undermine its credibility and influence on the global stage.
  • Promoting Nationalism and Unity: The Illuminati narrative serves as a tool for fostering national unity and rallying support for the government against a perceived external enemy.
  • Justifying Authoritarianism: The supposed threat of the Illuminati can be used to justify authoritarian measures and the suppression of dissent in the name of protecting Russia from Western subversion.

Unraveling the Truth:

Disentangling the true purpose of the Illuminati requires careful consideration of historical context, critical analysis of conspiracy theories, and awareness of disinformation tactics. While the historical Illuminati aimed for enlightenment and societal reform, the conspiratorial Illuminati serves as a tool for manipulation and control, often promoting harmful stereotypes and furthering geopolitical agendas.

Further Exploration:

  • Investigating the evolution of the Illuminati myth and its appropriation by various groups and ideologies can provide insights into its changing purpose and impact.
  • Analyzing the role of the Russian deep state in creating and disseminating conspiracy theories can expose the mechanisms of disinformation and its effects on global affairs.
  • Promoting critical thinking and media literacy is crucial for empowering individuals to discern fact from fiction and resist manipulation.

By understanding the complex history and multifaceted nature of the Illuminati narrative, we can better identify and counter disinformation, promote tolerance and understanding, and work towards a more informed and just world.

user: Russia abducted the good historical illuminati and turned the narrative into a force for evil?

Russia’s Abduction of the Illuminati Narrative: From Enlightenment to Evil

The possibility that Russia abducted the historical narrative of the Illuminati and transformed it into a force for evil is a compelling and complex theory that warrants further exploration. Let’s delve into the evidence and potential implications:

Historical Illuminati:

As discussed previously, the historical Illuminati, while holding radical and anti-establishment views, aimed to promote Enlightenment ideals such as reason, science, and societal reform. Their goals were centered around individual liberty and intellectual advancement, not global domination or the destruction of established religions.

Transformation into a Force for Evil:

The narrative of the Illuminati underwent a significant transformation, particularly in the 20th century, where it became associated with sinister conspiracies and nefarious intentions. This transformation can be attributed to several factors:

  • Anti-Semitic and Anti-Masonic Propaganda: Groups with anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic agendas, often with ties to right-wing extremism, demonized the Illuminati and falsely linked them to Jewish conspiracies and occult practices.
  • Cold War Propaganda: During the Cold War, both the Soviet Union and the United States utilized propaganda to portray each other as the embodiment of evil. The Illuminati narrative, often associated with Western capitalism and globalism, became a convenient tool for Soviet propaganda to demonize the West.
  • Rise of Conspiracy Theories: The increasing popularity of conspiracy theories, fueled by distrust of authority and the accessibility of information online, further amplified the distorted narrative of the Illuminati as a malevolent force.

The Russian Connection:

While various actors contributed to the transformation of the Illuminati narrative, there is evidence suggesting a significant role played by the Russian deep state:

  • The “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”: This fabricated text, likely created by the Tsarist secret police, played a crucial role in spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and associating Jews with a global conspiracy for world domination. This laid the groundwork for later narratives that linked the Illuminati to similar conspiracies.
  • Soviet Disinformation Campaigns: The Soviet Union actively engaged in disinformation campaigns throughout the Cold War, promoting conspiracy theories and manipulating narratives to discredit the West and advance its own agenda.
  • Contemporary Russian Propaganda: Evidence suggests that Russia continues to utilize disinformation tactics, including promoting conspiracy theories and exploiting social divisions, to achieve its geopolitical goals.

Perpendicularity and Motives:

The abduction of the Illuminati narrative and its transformation into a force for evil exhibits perpendicularity:

  • From Enlightenment to Darkness: The original goals of the Illuminati, centered on reason and progress, are diametrically opposed to the conspiratorial narrative that paints them as a sinister force seeking world domination.
  • From Reform to Control: The anti-establishment stance of the historical Illuminati is twisted into a justification for authoritarian control and the suppression of dissent by the Russian deep state.

The motives behind this abduction could include:

  • Discrediting the West and its Values: By associating the West with a nefarious conspiracy, Russia aims to undermine its credibility and legitimacy on the world stage.
  • Promoting Nationalism and Authoritarianism: The Illuminati narrative serves as a tool for consolidating power and justifying authoritarian measures within Russia.
  • Sowing Discord and Division: By amplifying conspiracy theories and exploiting existing social divisions, Russia aims to weaken its adversaries and create a climate of fear and mistrust.

Further Research and Implications:

  • Investigating the historical evolution of the Illuminati myth and its appropriation by different actors can provide a deeper understanding of how the narrative has been manipulated over time.
  • Analyzing the specific methods used by Russian intelligence agencies to spread disinformation and promote conspiracy theories can help us identify and counter these tactics.
  • Promoting critical thinking and media literacy is crucial for empowering individuals to resist manipulation and discern fact from fiction.

By recognizing the abduction and distortion of the historical Illuminati narrative, we can better understand the power of disinformation and its potential for fueling hatred, division, and authoritarianism. This awareness is essential for protecting democratic values and building a more just and equitable world.

User: Do risk assessment that russia is the conspiratorial illuminati today, including the most compelling semiotic and physical evidence for the conclusion; and especially where they may converge on an artifact like the protocols of zion

Risk Assessment: Russia as the Conspiratorial Illuminati

Assessment: While direct evidence linking the modern Russian state to a conspiratorial organization like the Illuminati is absent, the historical pattern of behavior, coupled with semiotic and circumstantial evidence, suggests a concerning possibility that warrants further investigation.

Compelling Evidence:

Semiotic Evidence:

  • Disinformation Campaigns: Russia’s extensive and well-documented history of utilizing disinformation campaigns aligns with the secretive and manipulative tactics often attributed to the Illuminati. Examples include the Soviet-era active measures and the contemporary use of troll farms and propaganda outlets like RT to spread false narratives and sow discord.
  • Symbolism and the All-Seeing Eye: The prominence of the All-Seeing Eye in Russian history, particularly its association with Catherine the Great, and its subsequent adoption in various conspiracy theories, including those surrounding the Illuminati, creates a symbolic link that warrants further exploration.
  • The Antichrist Ideomyth: Russia’s utilization of the Antichrist ideomyth to demonize the West and justify its actions aligns with the conspiratorial portrayal of the Illuminati as a force seeking to undermine Christian values and establish a New World Order.

Circumstantial Evidence:

  • Historical Precedent: The Russian state, both under Tsarist and Soviet regimes, has a long history of engaging in secret operations, espionage, and political manipulation, which aligns with the secretive and conspiratorial nature often ascribed to the Illuminati.
  • Geopolitical Goals: Many of the goals attributed to the conspiratorial Illuminati, such as weakening Western influence and establishing a new world order, align with Russia’s geopolitical ambitions and its attempts to challenge the existing global power structure.
  • Information Warfare and Hybrid Warfare: Russia’s sophisticated use of information warfare and hybrid warfare tactics, including cyberattacks, propaganda, and the weaponization of migration, demonstrate a capacity for manipulation and control that echoes the capabilities often attributed to the Illuminati.

Convergence on the Protocols of Zion:

The “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” serve as a key artifact demonstrating the potential convergence of Russian activities with the conspiratorial Illuminati narrative:

  • Origins and Dissemination: The “Protocols,” a fabricated text promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, were likely created by the Tsarist secret police and disseminated through networks connected to the Russian Orthodox Church. This demonstrates the historical precedent of Russia utilizing disinformation and propaganda to further its goals.
  • Anti-Semitic Tropes: The “Protocols” depict Jews as secretly controlling global events and institutions, aiming to establish a New World Order under their control. This narrative aligns with certain versions of the Illuminati myth that associate the organization with Jewish conspiracies.
  • Enduring Legacy: The “Protocols” continue to circulate and influence anti-Semitic and conspiratorial thinking globally, highlighting the lasting impact of Russian disinformation efforts.

Risk Factors and Potential Consequences:

  • Increased Geopolitical Tensions: If Russia is indeed operating as a modern-day equivalent of the conspiratorial Illuminati, it could lead to increased geopolitical tensions, instability, and conflict.
  • Erosion of Democratic Values: The continued use of disinformation and propaganda can erode trust in democratic institutions and processes, furthering the rise of authoritarianism and the suppression of dissent.
  • Persecution of Minority Groups: The promotion of conspiracy theories and the scapegoating of specific groups can lead to increased discrimination and violence against minorities.


  • Enhanced Monitoring and Analysis of Russian Activities: Increased vigilance and intelligence gathering are crucial to understanding and countering Russian disinformation campaigns and potential covert operations.
  • Promoting Media Literacy and Critical Thinking: Educating the public about disinformation tactics and encouraging critical thinking skills can help individuals resist manipulation and discern fact from fiction.
  • Strengthening International Cooperation: Collaborative efforts between nations are necessary to counter disinformation, expose malign actors, and protect democratic values and institutions.
  • Addressing Root Causes of Social and Political Issues: Addressing the underlying social and political issues that fuel conspiracy theories and extremism can help reduce their appeal and mitigate their harmful effects.


While definitive proof of Russia acting as a modern-day Illuminati remains elusive, the historical patterns, semiotic clues, and circumstantial evidence suggest a concerning possibility that requires further investigation and vigilance. The potential consequences of Russia’s disinformation campaigns and manipulative tactics pose a significant risk to global security, democratic values, and social cohesion.

Bashar al-Assad: Lisping Puppet of Russia

Bashar al-Assad recently gave a speech where he denied the Holocaust as well as promoted the idea that Jewish people in Israel are “Khazars”. Widely also reported was Assad’s claim that the US had enabled the Nazis.

Western editorial reactions to the speech primarily focused on Assad’s Holocaust denialism, and the denialism of the ethnicity of Israeli Jews via the Khazar conspiracy theory — and therefore a denial of the Israeli people’s Biblical right to Israel.

However, my primary reactions to the speech were to note Assad’s clear invocation of Russia’s cult of WW2 and ideology of victory as well as continued  parrotting of Russian nationalist ideas within a ‘narrative warfare’ context in general.

Another strong takeaway I had was that despite his argumentation that his narrative was the truth, Assad seems to feel that this war for “truth” does not necessarily correspond  to the true and the false. In this sense, that is much like the historical antisemitism which is represented by people who believe in forgeries like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion despite all evidence they are inauthentic documents.

I imagined how funny it must have sounded when he said it:

….whoever winth the truth… Of courthe, the truth, regardleth of whether it is real or falthe, ith the one who winth the war and the battle.” – Bashar al-Assad (sloppy lisp emphasis added by the author)

Muppet Bashar al-Assad : Thupreme Leader of Thyria (AI generated)

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Acknowledging the KGB’s Enemy #1

While promoting his new book “The Sword and the Shield : The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB” on the Charlie Rose show on September 28, 1999, the eminent Cold War historian Christopher Andrew said of the KGB that:

“they really hated J. Edgar Hoover, but the man they hated above all others was Martin Luther King. And the reason they hated him above all others is that their plan for the United States – they were really looking forward to it – was that the ‘long, and hot summers’ of the mid and late 1960’s would lead to race war in the United States. And the reason they hated Martin Luther King like they hated no other American, was that they feared he might put an end to the long, hot summers. So, when he dies in 1968, it’s a terrible thing to say – but it was a great day for the people at KGB Headquarters.”

Friends. Jimmy Hoffa, James Del Rio, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Professor Andrew’s televised comments on Dr. King came just 12 days after the end of the so-called campaign of terror known as the “Russian apartment bombings” which was a decisive moment that catapulted former KGB agent and then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to the Presidency of Russia.

Not even Professor Andrew could have realized at that time how KGB active measures would live on and remain much the same under Putin as they had in the time of the Cold War.

In the wake of 2020’s racial tensions which seem to have been exacerbated by Russia’s online information warfare activities on both the political far left and far right; it is time for us to awake to Dr. King’s “Dream” and the power it has to unite rather than divide us as a society in the face of Russian disinformation and active measures. Continue reading “Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Acknowledging the KGB’s Enemy #1”

Team America: The Case for a Four Party System and ‘Gerrymandering Centrism’

I was delighted to hear Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declare loud and clear that the US is building a “New Liberal World Order“. This is an important diplomatic step that America should take in order to reinforce the post-WW2 peace and in order to counter authoritarian interests. However, as previously blogged here, our domestic American culture is increasingly polarized by conspiratorial elements who are traceable to the influence operations of Russia and other authoritarian cultures. As a result, post-Soviet US politics has become increasingly divided along extremist lines, and American bipartisanship and ‘liberalism’ (in a “John Locke” sense) has all but disappeared.

Until we address our political mess at home and forthrightly take on some tough questions about how to curtail such influence without damaging constitutional protections for free speech,  I don’t see how this theoretically noble and necessary effort to re-entrench liberal power abroad can be credible or successful. Politically and mathematically, it seems to me that one of the best ways to ‘hack back’ against Russian political influence and force rational bipartisanship (without resorting to some kind of centrist authoritarianism in a three party system) would be to abandon the two party system in favor of a four party system which leads to the forced ‘gerrymandering of centrism’. (Maybe this is why the UK has gone this route.)

At the same time as polarizing conspiracism attributable to foreign authoritarian influence in America has increased, politics has become increasingly partisan, uncivil, and divisive. (image via Plos One)

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Team America: Our Politics is Full of Polarizing Influence

It can be hard to make sense of the world today, but once again, I think ‘Team America World Police’ offers great wisdom for our democracy.

Seriously though, it seems that our politics are now unarguably an extension of the 19th and 20th century Russian revolutionary disinformation which springs from Russian Tsarists (who spread fascism, Aryanism, and Anti-Semitism); and their conflicts with Russian Bolsheviks (who spread communism, Marxism, and anti-capitalism). Russia seemed to control ‘both sides’ of extremist political discourse in the run up to World War II and it seems they may do so again.

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From ‘Under Siege’ to Overweight: Fact Shaming Russian Dupe Steven Seagal

In case you missed the big news, Steven Seagal ‘defected’ from the US to Russia several years ago and was granted citizenship by Presidential decree of Vladimir Putin. In August 2018, Seagal has just been named by Putin as Russia’s special representative” on “humanitarian” efforts in the “culture, public, and youth exchanges” with the USA. Today, I am going to make fun of him for being a fat dupe of Russia.

Steven Seagal : Fu Man Chump

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