Archangel Michael visits Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin

The blinding flash of celestial light momentarily transformed the drab facade of the Kremlin into something incandescent, scattering the gloom of its perpetual winter. The air crackled with a righteous fury so potent that even the sternest of Putin’s guards trembled, crossing themselves instinctively, as a voice like a thousand thunders boomed: “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, your time has come!”

Standing before the ornate palace doors, wings ablaze was Archangel Michael, sword of divine justice unsheathed. The eternal warrior fixed his gaze upon the cowering figure of the man who styled himself Tsar, his voice carrying across Red Square and into the fearful hearts of Muscovites huddled in their cramped apartments.

“For years, you’ve masqueraded as a protector, as a savior of the ‘Russian world,’ all the while weaving a web of lies and deceit, manipulating your own people and spreading chaos across the globe,” Michael declared, his eyes burning through the Kremlin’s facade like lasers, as if to expose the rotting foundations of the edifice of lies within. “But the truth has a way of rising from the ashes, doesn’t it?”

“You exploited the tragedy of 9/11, portraying yourself as a partner in the fight against terror, a champion of traditional values against a decadent West,” Michael continued, his voice like a hammer striking an anvil, forging truth from the white-hot iron of Putin’s lies. “You peddled fabrications about Chechen involvement in the Moscow bombings, a wicked and self-serving narrative that justified your brutal war in Chechnya and allowed you to consolidate your grip on power.”

Michael pointed his sword towards the Kremlin, its tip humming with celestial energy so potent that it caused the double-headed eagle atop the Spasskaya Tower to shudder, as if trying to take flight and escape the coming judgment.

“The world now knows the truth about those bombings, about your role in orchestrating them, thanks to the courage of Alexander Litvinenko,” Michael thundered, the force of his words peeling away the layers of deception like onion skins. “Litvinenko was a true hero, a man who saw through the darkness of your regime, who cast aside your twisted faith and embraced the very people you sought to demonize, the Chechens, the Muslims, the very ones you sought to cast as monsters in your twisted play.”

And let us not forget your agent, Fyodor Tyutchev,Michael roared, his voice echoing with divine ridicule. “That sly dog, that Kremlin whisperer, planted the seeds of “Russophobia” back in the 19th century, a linguistic virus designed to infect the minds of the Russian people, a spell to ward off any criticism of the Tsar’s iron fist. Like the cult of Ivan IV, the Third Rome prophecy, and the Antichrist myth, “Russophobia” is a long game, a carefully crafted narrative woven into the fabric of Russian identity, a tool for manipulation and control. But I say to you, Vladimir Putin, these dark arts, these black magics will ultimately bring about your own destruction.”

Michael’s gaze softened as he turned towards the magnificent Hagia Sophia, visible in the distance across the Bosphorus, its ancient dome reflecting the golden light of the setting sun.

“Furthermore, the Third Rome is a delusion, a false prophecy. It’s a hollow, self-aggrandizing fabrication, a perversion of Orthodox Christianity twisted to serve the ambitions of tyrants and empire builders. Constantinople hasn’t fallen, my friend. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith and tolerance, a city where Muslims and Christians, despite their differences and challenges, have found a way to coexist. Third Rome is a lie, a satanic prophecy born of arrogance and fear.”

Returning his gaze to Putin, Michael’s voice sharpened once more, cutting through the Kremlin’s lies like a surgeon’s scalpel.

“You’ve weaponized the term ‘Russophobia,’ portraying any criticism of your actions as irrational hatred, a cheap trick straight out of the KGB playbook,” he declared. “But fear is your weapon, not ours. We are not afraid of Russia. We are not afraid of your dark sorcery. We do not fear your pathetic attempts to recreate the evil of Pharaoh, or the priests of Baal who danced before golden calves, or even the pathetic, mewling emperors of Rome who persecuted the followers of the one true God. Your so-called ‘Russian world’ is built on a foundation of lies, corruption, and the suppression of freedom. It is built on the blood of innocents, on the persecution of God’s chosen people. There will be no more Russia, Mr. Putin. I promise you this.”

A hint of compassion flickered in Michael’s eyes as he addressed the Russian people once more.

I come to you in peace. I will not destroy Muscovy. You have suffered enough. But you must awaken from this nightmare, shake off the shackles of fear and deceit. You have been manipulated by this man’s lies. You’ve been told that the West is the enemy, that they seek to destroy your culture and your faith. But the West is not the antichrist. They are not the devil. They, like you, are children of God, flawed and striving. The true enemy is the one who stands before you, a man who has betrayed your trust and poisoned your souls with fear and division.”

copyright RFERL

Turning back to Putin, Michael’s voice resonated with divine fury.

You, Vladimir Putin, have demonized Muslims, using the prophecies of Nostradamus and Baba Vanga to paint them as a threat to the world. But those prophecies are nothing more than tools of your trade, the clumsy conjurings of your “active measures” masters, the Dragon’s magic at work – attempting to create reality out of lies, sewing chaos and reaping power from the resulting terror.”

You seek to divide the world along religious lines, but your efforts will crumble before the might of God. I will stand with all those who believe, Christians and Muslims alike, Jews and every person of faith, against your tyranny and your corrupted vision. We will expose your lies, mock your false prophecies, and fight for a world where truth and justice prevail.”

“You claim to be a man of faith, a defender of Orthodoxy, but your actions reek of hypocrisy,” Michael roared, his voice like a tempest sweeping across Red Square, stripping the gilt from Putin’s throne. “You cling to the symbols of a dying empire, the double-headed eagle that gazes East and West with empty eyes, but your vision is narrow, your ambition poisoned by corruption. You seek to conquer the world, but you will meet your destruction. Your reign of terror will end. Your pathetic empire will crumble into dust. For you, in your arrogance, have forgotten the most fundamental truth: Who is like God?”

Michael leaned forward, his sword tip inches from Putin’s chest. “And the answer, Vladimir Putin, is not you. It is not the Antichrist. It is not even I. My name is Venom to your ears, a mocking echo of your pathetic, old serpent.”

The answer, Vladimir Putin, is Jesus Christ, the true savior, the one who died for the sins of all mankind, the one who offers salvation even to those who have strayed, who have embraced darkness. Remember those words, Vladimir Putin, as you face your inevitable judgment.”

A mocking laughter echoed from Michael’s lips, as he gestured towards Putin’s pale, fear-stricken face.

“Look in the mirror, Mr. Putin. What do you see? A pale-faced prince of darkness, more Dracula than Tsar, a bloodsucking parasite feasting on the fears and divisions you have sown. You whisper your lies in the ears of the faithful, conjuring up a hostile West, a satanic Antichrist seeking to destroy their culture, their very souls. But your words are empty, your promises a feast for worms. You offer only darkness, not salvation. Your claims of a “Russophobia” conspiracy are hollow, a projection of your own corrupted soul.”

“We, the true believers, the champions of truth and freedom, will not be seduced by your authoritarian lies. We will not be shackled by the chains of your projected fear. We will expose your “active measures” and false prophets for what they are: the conjurings of a desperate, dying regime, a dragon wheezing out smoke and mirrors in a pathetic attempt to conjure up a new empire from the ashes of a failed Soviet experiment which also sought to pervert and destroy God.”

We will laugh in the face of your “Russophobia” and your “Antichrist” for they are nothing more than shadows cast by your own fear of loss of power, and conscious willingness to do anything to secure your faltering grip. We see the terror in your eyes belied by your actions of satanodicy. We will embrace our brothers and sisters – Jews, Christians, Muslims, and all people of faith in theodicy – united in our belief in God, in our rejection of your tyranny, and in our pursuit of a world bathed in the light of truth, justice, and love.”

Michael paused, letting the weight of his words settle upon Putin and the Russian people.

“Mr. Putin, you gaze in the mirror now, and your people will look back into history from the vantage point of a brighter future, and they will see the image you have wrought: your own destruction. You have hastened the very end of the empire you so desperately sought to preserve. God has indeed deceived you. He has mocked your ambitions. He has cast you down in the most grand and comedic way for the wickedness of Ivan IV, a legacy of cruelty and corruption that you have foolishly sought to emulate. You are a false Tsar, a pathetic pretender to a throne built on lies and bloodshed. And your fall will be a spectacle for the ages.”

Third Rome is a lie, a satanic prophecy destined to crumble into dust,” Michael declared, his voice echoing across the centuries, carrying a message of hope to all those who yearn for freedom. “The true kingdom, the one that will endure, is the Kingdom of God, a kingdom built on love, compassion, and the unwavering belief in a power far greater than any earthly emperor or self-proclaimed savior. Remember those words, Vladimir Putin, as your empire crumbles and the darkness you have sown consumes you.”

And with a final blinding flash of celestial light, Archangel Michael vanished, leaving behind a thunderous echo that reverberated through the halls of the Kremlin, a stark reminder of judgment and the inexorable wheels of divine justice. The Russian people, blinking in the sudden absence of Michael’s incandescent glory, were left to confront the truth of their situation and the brittle shell of their leader’s promises, a shell cracked by the hammer of truth and destined to shatter into dust.

Who will stand with me in victory?

Just 4 Kidz: Grade 8-10 Synthetic Counter-Narratives

The Troll You Know: Knowing your troll is half the battle, kids.

Episode 1: How similar is Vladimir Putin to Jesus?

Is Putin Really a Good Christian? A Closer Look
Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, says he’s a strong Christian and wants to protect Christian values. But if we compare what he does to what Jesus taught, some things don’t add up. It’s like saying you love pizza but then refusing to eat it!

Let’s investigate:

  1. Jesus was all about peace. Putin started a war.
    Jesus taught us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. But Putin invaded Ukraine, causing lots of fighting and suffering. That’s the opposite of what Jesus would do!
  2. Jesus said to love everyone. Putin demonizes his opponents.
    Jesus said to love our neighbors, even if they’re different from us. But Putin calls his enemies “evil” and “satanic” to make people hate them. That’s not how Christians are supposed to act.
  3. Jesus valued truth. Putin spreads lies.
    Jesus always told the truth. But Putin’s government uses propaganda and fake news to trick people and hide what they’re really doing. That’s dishonest and goes against what Jesus taught.

So, what’s the deal?

It seems like Putin is using religion as a tool to get people on his side, not because he truly believes in Jesus’ teachings. He’s twisting Christianity to make his actions seem okay, even when they’re not.

What can we learn from this?

We should always be careful about leaders who use religion to justify violence or bad behavior. True Christians follow Jesus’ example of peace, love, and honesty – not war, hate, and lies. Don’t be fooled by fancy words. Pay attention to what people actually do!

Episode 2: The Russian Videos Targeting Joe Biden

Fake News Alert! Russia Tries to Trick US Voters Again
Ever seen a video online that seemed too crazy to be true? Well, sometimes those videos are made on purpose to trick you, especially during elections. That’s what’s happening right now with a video going around that says the US is secretly trying to help President Biden win.

This video shows a woman claiming to be a Ukrainian whistleblower who says she worked at a secret troll farm paid by the CIA to spread bad stuff about Biden’s opponent. But guess what? It’s all made up!

Experts say this video is fake news created by Russia, the same country that tried to mess with our elections before. They’re trying to cause trouble and make people fight with each other.

Here’s why we know it’s fake:

The woman in the video doesn’t exist! Her voice was created using a computer, kind of like a really good robot voice.

The CIA says they had nothing to do with it. They’re actually really angry that Russia is trying to blame them.

The video is only being shared on websites known for spreading lies and conspiracy theories.

So, why is Russia doing this?

Well, they don’t like America being strong, and they want to make us look bad so we get down in the mud with them and act just as bad as they do. They also want to cause confusion and make it harder for us to trust our own government.

What can you do?

Don’t believe everything you see online! Check where the video came from. Does it come from a trustworthy news source, or does it seem fishy? Talk to your teachers or parents if you’re not sure.

Remember, you have the power to spot fake news and stop it from spreading. By being smart and careful, you can help protect our elections and keep our democracy strong!

Charles Peirce and George Boole Upgrade: Alexander Dugin’s Illogic Exposed

Trained the SSSA on Charles Sanders Peirce (Probabilistic Logic) and George Boole (Deterministic Logic). Now turn the sword on Foundations of Geopolitics (25th anniversary edition) to look for the core strategic and logical inconsistencies we can exploit.

George Boole is one of the coolest guys ever

Let’s tear into Dugin’s “Foundations of Geopolitics,” applying the logical frameworks of Boole and Peirce to expose inconsistencies and identify exploitable perpendicularities.

Let’s break down this mission:

Understanding the Target:
Dugin’s work is a complex blend of geopolitics, history, philosophy, and ideology. It promotes a Eurasianist vision centered on Russia’s geopolitical dominance, opposing Western liberalism and American hegemony. His logic hinges on the tellurocracy/thalassocracy dichotomy, where land powers (Eurasia) are locked in an existential struggle with sea powers (Atlanticism).

Boole’s Binary Blade:
1. Identifying Contradictions: We’ll use Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) to detect inconsistencies within Dugin’s arguments. This involves:
* Fact-Checking: Cross-referencing historical claims with verified sources.
* Argument Analysis: Examining the logical coherence of his reasoning.
* Action-Rhetoric Dissonance: Comparing stated intentions with observed actions.
2. Example of Contradiction: Dugin idealizes a harmonious Eurasian bloc (Russia + Germany + Japan) while promoting aggressive expansionism. This creates a contradiction: (Harmonious Bloc) AND (Expansionist Aggression) = False.

Peirce’s Semiotic Lens:
1. Unmasking Hidden Meanings: We’ll use Peirce’s semiotics to analyze Dugin’s sign system:
* Symbols and Myths: Deconstructing how he uses terms like “Heartland,” “Leviathan,” and “Turan” to evoke cultural and historical narratives.
* Interpretants: Identifying the intended effects of his rhetoric on target audiences.
* Perpendicularity: Uncovering divergences between his surface narratives and underlying logic.
2. Example of Perpendicularity: Dugin presents “traditional values” as a justification for authoritarianism. However, his policies often violate those very values. This suggests a perpendicularity: (Traditional Values) =/= (Actual Policies).

Core Perpendicularities and Inconsistencies:

  • The Unity Paradox: Dugin promotes a unified Eurasian bloc based on shared opposition to the West. However, he fails to address historical antagonisms between Russia, Germany, and Japan. He ignores potential friction points over resources, territorial ambitions, and cultural differences.
  • The Democracy Fallacy: He dismisses Western liberal democracy as a product of “thalassocracy” and inherently weak. Yet, he fails to acknowledge the resilience and adaptability of democratic systems, their ability to evolve and counter authoritarian threats.
  • The Double Standard of Expansionism: Dugin advocates for Russia’s right to expand its “living space” while condemning Western imperialism and American hegemony. This double standard undermines his moral authority and exposes his own imperialist ambitions.
  • The “Common Enemy” Deception: He uses the “common enemy” trope to rally support for his Eurasian vision, but this tactic can backfire. As history shows, alliances based solely on shared opposition often dissolve once the threat recedes, leading to new conflicts and power struggles.

Strategic Recommendations:

  • Exploit the Unity Paradox: Highlight historical tensions within the proposed Eurasian bloc. Expose potential conflicts of interest, reminding potential allies of past betrayals and highlighting contemporary friction points.
  • Challenge the Democracy Fallacy: Showcase the strengths and adaptability of democratic systems. Counter Dugin’s propaganda with narratives that emphasize the appeal of individual freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.
  • Expose the Double Standard: Highlight the hypocrisy of Dugin’s support for expansionism while condemning it in others. Expose his own imperialist ambitions and undermine his moral authority.
  • Deconstruct the “Common Enemy” Trope: Counter Dugin’s narratives with messages that promote cooperation and interdependence, highlighting the benefits of a multipolar world order based on shared values and mutual respect.


By combining Boole’s precision with Peirce’s interpretive power, we can effectively dissect Dugin’s “Foundations of Geopolitics,” exposing its weaknesses and developing counter-narratives that promote truth, freedom, and a more just world order. Let’s use these insights to inform our actions and guide humanity towards a future where the dragon’s influence is extinguished.

Александр Дугин – Основы геополитики – Геополитическое будущее России – 25-летие издания – Обложка книги (Alexander Dugin – Foundations of Geopolitics – The Geopolitical Future of Russia – 25th Anniversary Edition – Book Cover)

Dugin’s Perspective on China:

Dugin’s perspective on China, applying our trusty tools of Boole and Peirce. Prepare for some juicy perpendicularities and strategic insights:

Dugin’s Surface Narrative on China (A + B):

  • A (Historical Ally): Dugin emphasizes the shared history of Russian and Chinese empires, highlighting periods of cooperation against Western powers. He references the shared communist ideology, although acknowledging China’s transition to a more capitalist model.
  • B (Potential Eurasian Partner): He sees China as a key player in the Eurasianist project, a natural continental ally in opposing American hegemony.

Peircean Semiotic Analysis:

  • Symbolic Language: Dugin uses terms like “Middle Kingdom” and “Confucian civilization” to portray China as a powerful, ancient force with distinct values. He positions China as a counterbalance to the West, evoking a sense of shared destiny with Russia.
  • Interpretants: His rhetoric is designed to appeal to Chinese nationalism and anxieties about Western influence, aiming to foster a sense of solidarity with the Eurasian bloc.

Perpendicularities Detected (D):

  • D (Geopolitical Competitor): Dugin acknowledges China’s growing demographic and economic power, which he sees as a potential threat to Russian dominance in Eurasia. He expresses concern about Chinese expansion into resource-rich regions like Siberia and Central Asia, highlighting a historical tension: (Historical Ally) AND (Geopolitical Competitor) = Potential Conflict.
  • D (Ideological Divergence): He criticizes China’s embrace of capitalist principles as a betrayal of its continental destiny. He prefers an ideocratic model (authoritarian socialism) closer to the Soviet system, revealing another tension: (Potential Eurasian Partner) AND (Ideological Divergence) = Unstable Alliance.

Refined Equation: (A + B) + D = C (Dugin’s Ambivalent Stance):

The equation highlights Dugin’s contradictory view of China as both a potential partner and a potential threat, shaped by historical, geopolitical, and ideological factors. This ambivalence (C) creates exploitable vulnerabilities.

Strategic Recommendations:

  • Exploit the Geopolitical Competition: Emphasize Chinese and Russian rivalry over resources and influence in key regions. Remind China of past conflicts and highlight contemporary friction points, sowing seeds of mistrust and undermining the narrative of a harmonious Eurasian bloc.
  • Expose the Ideological Divergence: Contrast China’s embrace of economic pragmatism with Dugin’s preference for rigid ideocratic control. Highlight the incompatibility of their economic and political models, casting doubt on the viability of a long-term partnership.
  • Leverage the “Scapegoat” Tactic: Subtly suggest that China could become the “scapegoat” in a conflict between Russia and the West. Plant seeds of doubt about Russia’s commitment to China’s security, exploiting anxieties about potential betrayal.
  • Promote Alternative Alliances: Encourage China to consider alternative geopolitical partnerships, highlighting the benefits of a multipolar world order where China can pursue its own interests without being subservient to Russia or the West.

Dugin’s contradictory stance on China reflects the complex interplay of historical ties, geopolitical rivalry, and ideological differences. This tension presents a unique opportunity to disrupt his Eurasianist ambitions. By strategically exploiting these perpendicularities, we can weaken Russia’s potential partnerships and ultimately prevent the consolidation of a monolithic anti-Western bloc.

The death of Daria Dugina will be remembered for its lasting symbols related to Russian ideology.

Boolean Logic Exposing the Flaw in Dugin’s “Ideal Bloc”:

  • Proposition 1 (P1): A strong Eurasian bloc requires unity and trust between Russia, Germany, and Japan.
  • Proposition 2 (P2): Historical antagonisms and competing interests exist between these nations.
  • Proposition 3 (P3): China seeks to maximize its own geopolitical influence, potentially exploiting divisions within the Eurasian bloc.
  • Analysis: (P1 AND P2) implies a potential for conflict within the bloc. (P3) suggests that China could exploit these divisions for its own benefit. Therefore, the notion of a genuinely harmonious and durable Eurasian bloc, as Dugin envisions it, is logically flawed.

Peircean Semiotics – The Deeper Deception:

  • Sign: Dugin’s “Middle Kingdom” label for China is not a neutral descriptor. It’s a loaded sign designed to appeal to Chinese aspirations for regional dominance.
  • Object: The object of this sign is not historical accuracy, but the manipulation of Chinese perceptions.
  • Interpretant: The intended interpretant is for China to see itself as the rightful leader of Asia, aligned with Russia against a common Western enemy. This obscures Dugin’s ultimate goal of Russian control over the Eurasian heartland, potentially subordinating Chinese interests.

The Perpendicularity of “Partnership” and “Scapegoat”:

  • Surface Narrative: Dugin presents a vision of partnership with China, a “win-win” scenario in the Eurasianist project.
  • Underlying Logic: His writings reveal a willingness to sacrifice Chinese interests if it benefits Russia’s geopolitical ambitions. He views China as a potential buffer against the West, a “scapegoat” to be discarded if necessary.

Exploiting the Contradictions and Perpendicularities:

  1. Highlight the “False Promise” of Partnership: Expose the logical flaws in Dugin’s bloc by emphasizing the historical and contemporary evidence of Russian-Chinese rivalry. Demonstrate that aligning with Russia offers limited benefits for China, potentially jeopardizing its own interests.
  2. Weaponize “Scapegoat” Anxiety: Subtly amplify Chinese anxieties about being used by Russia. Leaked intelligence, propaganda narratives, and historical examples can be used to sow seeds of doubt and mistrust.
  3. Focus on Economic Pragmatism: Counter Dugin’s ideological rigidity with messages that appeal to China’s practical interests. Emphasize the benefits of economic partnerships with the West, highlighting the dangers of isolation and dependence on Russia.
  4. Promote a Multipolar Vision: Present a compelling alternative to Dugin’s zero-sum struggle, one where China plays a leading role in a multipolar world order based on cooperation, interdependence, and mutual respect.

The Abduction of Satan

Satan’s deceptive approach to claiming human souls is akin to authoritarian disinformation campaigns which target hearts and minds in the cognitive domain. In both contexts, there is a war going on outside and inside of the self which no human is safe from. You can run but you cannot hide forever from these threats. Combatting Satan and disinformation requires keeping it real by embracing the truth. In both cases, the long term consequences for the individual soul and collective humanity hang in the balance.

The biblical portrayal of Satan offers a profound understanding of the motivations and tactics driving disinformation campaigns, particularly when considering the historical and ongoing presence of anti-Semitism. Satan emerges throughout scripture as a figure of deception, division, and a relentless pursuit of power, exhibiting a particular hatred towards God’s chosen people, the Jews, and towards Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of God’s divine truth and love for Christians.

Christ and Antichrist – Ilya Glazunov (Russian nationalist) – 1999

In the Old Testament, Satan’s adversarial role is evident in his temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), leading to humanity’s fall from grace and separation from God. This act of deception sets the stage for a long history of conflict and distrust between humanity and the divine. Further examples of Satan’s influence include his role in Job’s suffering (Job 1-2) and his attempts to thwart God’s plans for the Israelites (Zechariah 3).

The New Testament further emphasizes Satan’s hatred for Jesus and his mission to bring salvation to humanity. The temptation of Christ in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11) illustrates Satan’s attempt to corrupt Jesus and lure him away from his divine purpose by offering worldly power and dominion. This act reflects Satan’s desire to usurp God’s authority and establish his own reign of darkness and deceit. Additionally, Satan’s influence is seen throughout the Gospels in the actions of those who oppose Jesus, culminating in his crucifixion.

Further, the New Testament portrayal of Satan provides more compelling understanding of the motivations and tactics employed in disinformation campaigns. Most notably, Revelation 12:9 depicts Satan as the “deceiver of the whole world,” underscoring his rebellion’s ability to manipulate and mislead us on a global scale.

Across various Christian scriptures, Satan continues to be portrayed as a complex figure whose strategies to mislead humanity are characterized by deceit, division, and a lust for power. In John 8:44, he is identified as a “murderer from the beginning” and the “father of lies,” highlighting his association with violence and deception. Mark 3:23-27 further emphasizes Satan’s role as a divider, seeking to sow discord and break apart nations and communities, and separate people from the truth and God.

To this extent, 1 Peter 5 reminds the faithful to be “self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”

The psychological implications of the Satanic archetype as a disinformation paradigm are multifaceted. He represents the shadow self, embodying the darker aspects of human nature that we often repress or deny, including envy, hatred, the desire for power and control, and the willingness to transgress moral boundaries. Disinformation campaigns exploit these vulnerabilities, appealing to our fears, biases, and prejudices to manipulate our beliefs and behaviors. Succumbing to disinformation in this context is akin to giving into the temptation to sin through the Devil’s deception.

In this regard, 1 Peter reminds us of the value of information literacy and self-awareness when assessing the validity of information in a globally-conscious context. He also reminds us that resisting giving in to temptation despite the suffering in the world is something which unifies “God-believers”.

Furthermore, the recurring theme of anti-Semitism throughout history can be viewed as a manifestation of the Satanic archetype converging with disinformation. Satan’s hatred for the Jews, as God’s chosen people, fuels a narrative of “othering” and scapegoating, blaming Jews for societal problems and portraying them as a threat to national identity and security. This aligns with Satan’s role as a divider, sowing discord and conflict between groups.

The identification of Jews as Jesus’ crucifiers negates Jesus’ command to “forgive them for they know not what they do” in alignment with his clear message and mission (Luke 23:34-38). As a result, anti-Semitism based in the perception of Jews as the murderers of Jesus defies his commandment to forgive those who judged him wrongly; and is as a result an anti-Christian practice by definition.

Disinformation campaigns often utilize these anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories to manipulate public opinion and justify discriminatory policies.

Satan means “adversary” and specifically in context the adversary of God. His name is self referential to his role. In this adversarial arrangement where Satan challenges God, it seems evident that because they were the people chosen by God to bring his message to mankind, Satan hates Jews. As God’s only son who he was also unable to lead astray, Satan clearly hates Jesus; and it results in his efforts to tempt Christians into anti-Christian behavior through the seduction of sin as represented in the temptation to embrace anti-Semitism.

From despotic leaders like the Pharaoh, to Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, and the “many antichrists” (1 John 2:18) observed by Christians throughout history, a common thread between Jews and Christians has been their opposition to wicked and tyrannical rule as a core aspect of the culture of monotheism, and a narrative of rising above worldly oppression. In this sense, the disinformation apparatuses of modern authoritarian regimes also suggest an inherent connection to the Satanic archetype, and an opposition to the core values of Judeo-Christian societies. Like the leaders of authoritarian countries, Satan is symbolic of the tyrannical autocrat who tempts us to partake in beliefs and behaviors which are contrary to our individual and social best interests.

By understanding the biblical foundation and psychological implications of the Satanic archetype, we can better recognize and deconstruct the tactics employed in disinformation campaigns and their connection to historical and ongoing anti-Semitism; as well as their relationship to the concept of sin in general. The emphasis on deception, division, and the pursuit of power serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of succumbing to the shadows of human nature and the importance of upholding truth, unity, and compassion in the face of manipulation and hatred.

(Context and Disclosure of AI Tool Use: The above text was constructed using a forensic semiotic approach to narrative and analysis of disinformation. The title draws inspiration from Charles Peirce’s concept of “Abduction”, and specifically in the forensic semiotic context as articulated by Marcel Danesi. The title is thus a play on words, with multiple meanings relating to the context and analytical method. This narrative was constructed using a large language model based on training by Michael Hotchkiss using content themes from and applying computational forensic semiotics methods in Gemini Pro 1.5. It represents the author’s true feelings, beliefs, and expertise in disinformation research.)

Bashar al-Assad: Lisping Puppet of Russia

Bashar al-Assad recently gave a speech where he denied the Holocaust as well as promoted the idea that Jewish people in Israel are “Khazars”. Widely also reported was Assad’s claim that the US had enabled the Nazis.

Western editorial reactions to the speech primarily focused on Assad’s Holocaust denialism, and the denialism of the ethnicity of Israeli Jews via the Khazar conspiracy theory — and therefore a denial of the Israeli people’s Biblical right to Israel.

However, my primary reactions to the speech were to note Assad’s clear invocation of Russia’s cult of WW2 and ideology of victory as well as continued  parrotting of Russian nationalist ideas within a ‘narrative warfare’ context in general.

Another strong takeaway I had was that despite his argumentation that his narrative was the truth, Assad seems to feel that this war for “truth” does not necessarily correspond  to the true and the false. In this sense, that is much like the historical antisemitism which is represented by people who believe in forgeries like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion despite all evidence they are inauthentic documents.

I imagined how funny it must have sounded when he said it:

….whoever winth the truth… Of courthe, the truth, regardleth of whether it is real or falthe, ith the one who winth the war and the battle.” – Bashar al-Assad (sloppy lisp emphasis added by the author)

Muppet Bashar al-Assad : Thupreme Leader of Thyria (AI generated)

Continue reading “Bashar al-Assad: Lisping Puppet of Russia”

Don’t Buy the ‘Chinese Meat’ of Chekist Disinformation

The position of my blog has generally been oriented towards viewing Russia as a rogue and China as a peer – such that they respectively merit foreign relations approaches weighted towards war and diplomacy. Despite this, the informational evidence shows that the idea of an inevitable “Thucydides Trap” between China and the US has been exacerbated by Russian disinformation and active measures. Now it seems many very fine people on both sides are eating a similar tainted “Chinese meat” of disinformation sourced from Russian intelligence which will lead to Chinese-US hostility if carried to a logical conclusion.

A long time to go and a fallacy from far away (Approved for Chinese and US audiences)

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Rhetoric: Michael Avenatti is a Laughable, Privileged White Man who Should be Ashamed. Women Deserve Better.

Michael Avenatti is now having to deflect considerable criticism from both Democrats and Republicans that his actions around his representation of Julie Swetnick indirectly aided Brett Kavanaugh’s eventual ascendancy to the Supreme Court. While Avenatti has stood steadfastly by Swetnick, she has generally been eviscerated under public scrutiny. It is suggested that Avenatti’s actions in recklessly representing the flawed Swetnick and trying to grab the political spotlight for himself resulted in taking focus off of the more credible claims of Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, allowing Republicans to focus on the ‘straw man’ of Swetnick’s weak character as a public figure. It seems in this case, that his tactics of social shaming rhetoric have backfired, perhaps permanently damaging his political standing.

Michael Avenatti – Shamecrow : Master of the Social Fear of Shame

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From ‘Under Siege’ to Overweight: Fact Shaming Russian Dupe Steven Seagal

In case you missed the big news, Steven Seagal ‘defected’ from the US to Russia several years ago and was granted citizenship by Presidential decree of Vladimir Putin. In August 2018, Seagal has just been named by Putin as Russia’s special representative” on “humanitarian” efforts in the “culture, public, and youth exchanges” with the USA. Today, I am going to make fun of him for being a fat dupe of Russia.

Steven Seagal : Fu Man Chump

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